Unisef GX7000 WIll it live again?

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Member (SA)
I have Spent the last few days going over some of the restorations on here, But I have been particularly inspired by some of the Dead/Trash boxes that Roman (VIenna sound) has breathed new life into.

Roman Has truly given me the inspiraton to have a go at fixing up the pos gx7000, will it live again I hope so!!

First I need to share a picture of my toolkit

Sorry Only joking I am not going to smash it into a million pieces :-P

first we have some pictures of the genaral state of the box very dirty all round but mostly complete, you may not be able to see it in this photo but there is woodshavings INSIDE the record level/battery Meter?? has somone opened it up before??



A close up of the missing grill at the back, How would you guys fix or hide a problem like this one? the missing part is not present at all


Broken screw posts :sad:


Most of the screw post bits are present and should be able to be epoxy glued back on :-)

Oh no What have i done ?? its guts have fallen out :-O Those of you with very sharp eyes may notice the disconnected black wire where does it go?? we will see..
I have put a small arrow to the broken wire now


Well Thats it for now people more updates soonest

Kind regards


Well-Known Member
Staff member
redbenjoe said:
not that bad really --
i SELL boxes almost that nice :-) :pimp: :dog:
Yeah, and slap the term "minty" on them too. :lol:

Best of luck with the restoration, Austin. Aside from the missing handle, I think everything else should be fairly easy to fix. Remember... patience. ;-)


Member (SA)
Thanks you guys,
Monchito :agree: :lol:

all jokes aside It is not in me to mindlessly smash a piece of equipment like that, there is a lot of it on youtube and it makes me kinda sad to see something being blown up or smashed just because it is dirty or even sometimes just old. i would rather part it and let others get some use of the bits.
The handle is infact not missing I took it off when i cracked the box open originally to find that one of the wires had come adrift. and never bothered to put it back on.
The black wire has been reattached to where it came from, it took me a little while with a magnifying lens to find the other broken end of it, It was from the volume slider it now makes music once more but i am having trouble with the switch that is pushed by the record button, i have attacked it with switch cleaner and it is slowly getting better but i think it is going to need cleaning a few more times. is it possible to bypass this switch, at the expense of not using the record function anymore?

I am not happy with the case after the first cleaning, I am finding MUD... not dust or sand but MUD :huh:
I have used loads of Cotton buds in all the little crevices but still not to my liking, has anyone ever put a bbx case in the diswasher on a LOW cycle?? i am thinking of trying that if nothing else gets it clean enough for me.... im a going off now to see how you guys wash your boxes

now for some more pictures

I have made a start on repairing the broken screw posts some have snapped off and the broken bit fallen into smaller pieces so as you can see here i have tried to mend the smaller peices first


some had just came off the box o they have been glued back on when they are totally set i will build up the outsides with some more glue to give some extra strength



sorry for the blurry pictures !! but i am sure you get the idea..

Warmest regards


Well-Known Member
Staff member
No dishwasher!! :nonono: The best thing to do is remove all electronics (and sometimes the metal speaker grilles) and then do what is known as a Driptip or Full Patron (named after member, Patron). You basically submerge the front and rear case halves in a nice, hot, soapy bath. You can use a soft-bristle brush to clean the grilles and smaller cracks. Nothing beats a Full Patron if you have the ability to do it. ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
Can you give me the measures of the missing handle?
Think i will find something fitting in my parts storage.

For glueing the broken screwplastics i use some epoxy.

Is it working, or fails something?


Member (SA)
Thanks Fatdog I gave the case a full patron before i got in bed at 4am and it has come out a lot better, I am happier with it now, it is not perfect but then it is built so poorly that I dont think it was even perfect the day it left the factory :-/ I will probably give it another full patron before reassembly, as I can see dirt in the picture that I cannot see in real life :huh: :huh: the white marks are little scuffs in the plastic

Roman, Thank you for your offer I do in fact have the original handle here, I had taken it off about a week ago when i looked inside to see why it was not making music but i was so disgusted with the junk I saw I did not put it back on, but after seeing some of the truly awful boxes that you ressurected, I just had to give it another go. it now seems to be working pretty good again after loads of switch cleaner.

Kindest regards


Boomus Fidelis
Before putting it together i would spray it new in black ;-)
Or any other color you enjoy.

The main question: Original or custom? :cool:

Think you have seen this thread before:

If you dont plan to make it original, have fun with it.
Give it some fresh painting :super:


Member (SA)
Another Full patron yesterday Got it Really clean!! but as i was pulling it out of the sink a large piece fell off the corner :annoyed: so it will need epoxying back on

Could the water have been too hot to damage the old unisef plastic ?

anyway it has been decided that as the case will now need work to get it straight again after glueing and sanding We will be having a CUSTOM FUNBOX, in metallic purple with extra chrome...... not to everyones liking i am sure but it should be different.....


Kindest Regards
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