Underated boxes

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Member (SA)
Hisrudeness said:
Who was it that called 555 'the toaster oven'?
Someone who'd never owned a toaster or an oven would be my guess. :lol: Besides, the KB FB10 is the radio that was known as the toaster, here's one like mine:

Some folk reckon it's because the shape looks like a toaster but it actually referred to how hot it gets, it's an AC mains set so there's no dropper inside to get really hot, just an autotransformer that shouldn't, but it's poorly ventilated and uses the heater current of a DC mains set so much of that heat comes from the poor old valves!

But if a 555 or one of its related models doesn't make enough bass at high volume levels then there's something wrong and admittedly, in every one I've worked on, there has been! :yes: Recapping the a/f board on these almost always yields results as a couple of the factory values were off from the start. Deal with these and raise the crossover frequency while you're in about at it and you find that not only do they thump in a way that no similar sized Sharp does, but they also play flat out with no detectable distress. They're not a subtle beast though but. :w00t:
Indoor box? No, but at the bottom of my back garden, playing to a few dozen old rockers and scooter boys :blush: on the beach beyond, they come into their own as a sorted 555 doesn't half project. (Get your guests as rat-arsed as possible as early as possible and they'll forget that they're supposed to be enemies in the wild.. ;-) )
About a year ago, one of my work campuses was closed down and we all took over the premises - two standard local authority-issued warehouse units knocked through to one - and had a party where the games included playing golf with the cordless telephone handsets, burning the furniture and blasting tunes. That 555 played for a solid 6 hours at ridiculously loud levels and filled thae two warehice with bass. Remarkably, it still carries the same ten Procell Ds now and a quick check reveals that it still plays at the correct speed so they're not just loud, they're frugal too.
Sure & it has a face that even its mother probably doesn't love but mine is always the 1st choice for making lots of noise in wide open spaces. :-D OK, so the Technics is much louder but that eats ten Ds before one side of a C45 has played through and using it for my home leg of the beach party round means bringing out an extension lead some 30 yards long, which isn't happening.


Member (SA)
wow john-your wild side there :w00t: :lol: -sounds like the 555 is a winner for you-a mate has a gf666-wonder if i should try getting it off him again?he said no last time mind you :lol:


Member (SA)
I think that the 666 is pretty much the same apart from having the ability to record to metal tapes, a pretty well pointless talent without Dolby as metal tapes are so noisy without the NR. But what's happening with 555 prices on eBay UK eh? A few months ago you could still get a clean one, that just needed the decks rebuilt with fresh capstan sleeves to make it perfect, for around £50 now even the shagged out dogs with missing parts and various random faults are starting around the ton!

Makes me wish I'd bought a dozen of the things last autumn. :-D


Member (SA)
The most underated box for me is my personal grail the philips d8614. It has all the whistles and bells, sounds unbelievable for the size and weight, and usually sells for around £50 on the bay. This box really cranks loud and can go on full volume with hardly any distortion. To all you guys who have never heard one in person you really are missing out on something special. It's 20 watt max power but sounds more like 100 when cranked up. It has beautiful 10 segment twin green and red led vu's and the great spatial stereo seperation which really brings the box alive especially with the loudness function switched on. i know this box has it's critics due to the weak deck cogs but I have never came across any box that does not have some fault even if only minor. For the price this has to be the most underated box ever and can go all the way with the big boys and easily match the m70 on sound and looks imo. Here's a few pics of my offering :-)252.jpg279.jpg280.jpg


Boomus Fidelis
He's off again...the Philips Marketing Board lol...I heard one and thought it was good, didn't get a proper road test tho...your pics make it look the biz. If I found one locally I'd give it a punt :-)


Member (SA)
I knew you would jump on me here Si lol :lol: you really should get one and give it a thorough test I promise you would be amazed. Thanks for the compliment mate :-)


Member (SA)
I'm starting to get the impression that you're rather fond of this box System Addict?
I've had too many traumas with big Philips boxes as a teenager to re visit as an adult I'm afraid.

I bought a Panasonic RX-C100 a month or so ago and it's a legitimate 'destroyer'. I have barely stopped using it since it was delivered.
Awesome box and a looker too!


Member (SA)
Hisrudeness said:
I'm starting to get the impression that you're rather fond of this box System Addict?
I've had too many traumas with big Philips boxes as a teenager to re visit as an adult I'm afraid.

I bought a Panasonic RX-C100 a month or so ago and it's a legitimate 'destroyer'. I have barely stopped using it since it was delivered.
Awesome box and a looker too!
Yes i'm rather fond of the 8614 HR it's my personal grail and I have never came across a mid size box as good. Love the look of the RX C100 especially the led's, looks like it can boom for sure :yes:


Member (SA)
The 777 is under rated BIG TIME!!! The radio is smartly designed, has lots or room below the electronics sections, has an amazingly classy tuner design that is actually designed to be lit from above the scale & VU's & only needed minor modding to look amazing. The decks & skeleton & cabinet is strong as hell, except for the dreaded transformer weak spot...The pre-amp section is very clean & well-shielded under normal conditions. You can mod it to the hilt & make some great recordings on cassette with it as well as using its search & sequential A/B playback...what's not to love.....the speakers...they sucked.......SHARP dropped the ball when they made the 777 & put puny 4-OHM drivers instead of making custom low impedance woofers to take advantage of the Hitachi IC operating range....Those drivers are comfortable with loads down to 2.3-2.5 OHMS...without heating up at all it seems...

It's a modder's dream.....

The Fisher 490 is grossly under-rated on eBay. It fetches a fraction of the money an M90 commands & yet is a worthy contender that has its own highlights & strong points that the M90 cannot compete with. It is an amazingly well built, 3-piece powerhouse that looks so elegant & no-nonsense. It also has some very powerful full vented cabinets made of real MDF materials. I am amazed that they sell for roughly the same amount as an M70, even tho the Fisher is a much more impressive & powerful system with very unique, hi-end features.....

Although the 490 kicks the butt of 90% of the blasters out there, the M70 is still my 2nd favourite blaster for its pure power & iconic styling...It has 1 of the best tuners out there too....



Member (SA)
Cpl-Chronic said:
The Fisher 490 is grossly under-rated on eBay. It fetches a fraction of the money an M90 commands & yet is a worthy contender that has its own highlights & strong points that the M90 cannot compete with. It is an amazingly well built, 3-piece powerhouse that looks so elegant & no-nonsense. It also has some very powerful full vented cabinets made of real MDF materials. I am amazed that they sell for roughly the same amount as an M70, even tho the Fisher is a much more impressive & powerful system with very unique, hi-end features.....

I guess I'm going to have to agree with you. If I stand in front of my 492 I can crank it so loud that my ears hurt. It gets real f*cking loud, I still have yet found the end of its power my head just can't take it. That is a surprise as I'm half deaf from drumming for over 20 years. Such a high-end under valued box.
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