Underated boxes

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Member (SA)
I was thinking about my growing collection of Sharp GF-555 and related boxes, to me they are very much underated boxes and I was wondering why? Is it the look? The sound is pretty good, build quality is great, and they are a good size and weight. Should the GF-555 be a grail?

What boxes do you think should be grails, but aren't? Those underated boxes you think should be heavy hitters but somehow fall under the radar with other collectors?


Boomus Fidelis
Universum Super Sound 16000 / Telefunken CR-8200 should be midsize grails because they sound so good......but unfortunately they look boring.


I Am Legend
:agree: these sound very very good with serious bass --
dont agree about the looks -
to me - they are clean and beautiful

another little known 'should be a grail '
is the 3 piece aiwa ca-70 with its bass radiator

bet there are 100 others :-O :-) :-) :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

Hey Terry,

I have thought about you and the GF 555 / 666 boxes allot while surfing Yahoo.jp. Do they go by some other model numbers....GF-808, 818 and GF-828SB????. You and I have talked many times about these radios in the Boom Room. You have always praised them and I would like to have the GF-666 mostly because I'm a Heavy Metal'r and it's just plain EVIL :rock:

So your asking....."What is the hold up?"

Well, here in the States a GF-666 can run up words of $350 ! ! ! :-O It's tough to spend that kind of money when that will fetch a "Prettier" radio.

Now, I personally don't think that model is ugly, but when you compare it to the other radios that have dual decks in the top left corner (777, 767, 999, 1000, Discolite) these are a little Plain Jane.

BUT, I have never seen one in person!

AND, you can not judge a book by it's cover right? :yes:

OK, with that said, it absolutely FLOORS ME to see great Blasters on Yahoo.jp that don't sell for $5.00 and $10.00 like:

Sharp GF-303 / 305 / 508 / 535 / 787 / 808 / 818 / 828 just to name a few....and those are ALL current listings that I am watching that have NOT sold in Months and show up repeatedly in my "Watch" box!

I know that with shipping these ARE $350 radios! I have tried very hard to find radios in Japan and have them shipped to my wife's address but after auction fees and shipping costs and taxes...a $1.00 is still $100! There is just no way to win.

So when am I getting a nice GF-818SB? I just don't know.... especially when there are M70's and VZ's on Yahoo.Jp for the same price!

If I can some how squeeze a 305 and a 808 or 818 in before me wife leaves in January...I will do it. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
I say the definition of a grail is defined by each individuals own taste in looks, comfort, sound, usage and above all, how much are you willing to spend to get one ;-) one example is there are many Lasonic dislikers and I don't say haters because that's a strong word... But Lasonics are and have been popular since early part of 80's and still are going strong as one of the only companies to keep boomboxes alive... So I believe that in many people's eyes they are grail :-O and most importantly in my eyes they are most definitely grail boxes :drool: :drool: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hitachi 8200....

Ok, it might not sound that good, but its loud, its heavy, its classic, it has strap mounts...

Thats what I look for.

Lasonic TRC-920

rustoleumbloodstream said:
:agree: the gf 666 is one of my personal grails.

:agree: I have two of them(one brandnew in da box) and i find the look of them really fantastic!

NIB Wow That's really cool :yes: Every time the subject of these particular Sharps comes up, many people give them high marks in performance....

It's time to have another look! :yes: :-D
i love the look and i've heard one and it was tight but mostly i'm a huge fan of metal, so having a gf 666 in my opinion is a must have box just for the purpose of playing delicious death metal out of it


Member (SA)
There are too many for me out here. I dont accept personally something for a grail if others are saying so. There are so many unknown, or at least little known boxes which are great and waiting for us to be found :thumbsup: . Agree about 555 (515 , 666 and so) Sencor S 4800 (sorry Norm will send it soon) , Toshiba BB16 just to name a few.
Good tread Terry. We all have our dark secrets :lol:


Member (SA)
I think some boombox designs were not always aimed at the young bucks for the street show - the more gentlemans work box for the garage with it's cleaner looks and not so much bassbut a cleaner clearer radio - this is what i think the 525 was aimed at ;-)

£12 and clean from a carboot (found by the father-in-law :w00t: )


cheers B :sin:

Lasonic TRC-920

I think some boombox designs were not always aimed at the young bucks for the street show - the more gentlemans work box for the garage with it's cleaner looks and not so much bassbut a cleaner clearer radio - this is what i think the 525 was aimed at ;-)

£12 and clean from a carboot (found by the father-in-law :w00t: )

[ Image ]

cheers B :sin:

WOW, that 525 is SUPER Clean! I agree, not everything was meant to be a Break Dance Street Fighter! This does have that "Gentlemen's" radio look.


Member (SA)
not as much punch as you would want, but the radio standard sound is good and clear - heavy-ish weight - would make a good work shop box, if you are a gentleman ;-)

so it's going to be classed as a Gentlemans work box - GWB

Lasonic TRC-920

not as much punch as you would want, but the radio standard sound is good and clear - heavy-ish weight - would make a good work shop box, if you are a gentleman ;-)

so it's going to be classed as a Gentlemans work box - GWB

Nice....I like the sound of the Shapr GF-555GWB


Member (SA)
And the build quality of those Sharps is over the top for me :yes: . They are build like a tanks. Nice round sound and outstanding feeling of all controls. There is no scratching parts and loose moving parts. Was opening my ex 515 (now Zippy's) and never seen so well made another box still :yes: .


Member (SA)
I've got two 555s and two 666s, all of them working rather well while wearing few to many marks. And missing several plates. I got 'em all for rather little money on ebay Germany and I'm happy with them. I thought about customizing one of each like heaven and hell.... maybe once I'll get back to that thought.
But I like my GF-515 and my GF-525 better. Yeah, it's the looks.


Member (SA)
i have had many (and i do mean many) 555's and while im a fan of the enclosed speaker look,i soon tire of the said 555-because it lacks so much in the bass department-i mean,another box of a similar period,the 8585,is considered bass shy by many,but it has loudness control,and sounds way better than a 555 and i believe thats what boxes like the 555 lack.you may find that with many bass shy boxes imho.as for the look?its true to say that the open speaker look is better in general but what i may choose as an underrated box might not be what another individual would choose,so its down to individual preference :yes:
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