Hey Terry,
I have thought about you and the GF 555 / 666 boxes allot while surfing Yahoo.jp. Do they go by some other model numbers....GF-808, 818 and GF-828SB????. You and I have talked many times about these radios in the Boom Room. You have always praised them and I would like to have the GF-666 mostly because I'm a Heavy Metal'r and it's just plain EVIL
So your asking....."What is the hold up?"
Well, here in the States a GF-666 can run up words of $350 ! ! !

It's tough to spend that kind of money when that will fetch a "Prettier" radio.
Now, I personally don't think that model is ugly, but when you compare it to the other radios that have dual decks in the top left corner (777, 767, 999, 1000, Discolite) these are a little Plain Jane.
BUT, I have never seen one in person!
AND, you can not judge a book by it's cover right?
OK, with that said, it absolutely FLOORS ME to see great Blasters on Yahoo.jp that don't sell for $5.00 and $10.00 like:
Sharp GF-303 / 305 / 508 / 535 / 787 / 808 / 818 / 828 just to name a few....and those are ALL current listings that I am watching that have NOT sold in Months and show up repeatedly in my "Watch" box!
I know that with shipping these ARE $350 radios! I have tried very hard to find radios in Japan and have them shipped to my wife's address but after auction fees and shipping costs and taxes...a $1.00 is still $100! There is just no way to win.
So when am I getting a nice GF-818SB? I just don't know.... especially when there are M70's and VZ's on Yahoo.Jp for the same price!
If I can some how squeeze a 305 and a 808 or 818 in before me wife leaves in January...I will do it.