Two new Pannies.

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el cad

Member (SA)
I got two new Panasonics.

The first one was a thrift store find. I was stuck in really bad traffic and was playing with the GPS and located a store a few miles away and found this:

It has very nice bass, but goes though batteries quicker then any other box I have. Not very loud but it has a very pleasant warm sound. They also had the bigger brother with 2 cassettes, but was missing the battery cover and was very scratched up so i left that one there.

The second one was a bit more tasty:


My wife was not happy with how it turned out. She was rushing since she also had two paying cakes to make this weekend.
This cake is white cake with fudgey icing. She says her original plan was to make a fully functional mp3 cake boombox, but I'm just glad she did something as thoughtful as this. The handle is a jumbo sized Tootsie Roll.

el cad

Member (SA)
Thanks, RedBenJoe.

Still can't figure out where she came up the model number, it's not like I turned 75.


I Am Legend
maybe from the #750 you just got? :-)

btw --there were very few panny platinums with analogue tuners and the
equalizer -- you did fine -

all day :yes: :yes: :yes:

el cad

Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
maybe from the #750 you just got? :-)

btw --there were very few panny platinums with analogue tuners and the
equalizer -- you did fine -

all day :yes: :yes: :yes:
Doh, I hadn't noticed the numbers were similar.

That's good to know, since this was my most expensive thrift box yet. $24.24 but I did get a coupon for a free shirt with my next purchase.

I also got one of these on the same visit:

It's for the original Nintendo and it was only $1.41 and just to cute to leave behind.

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
el cad said:
I got two new Panasonics.
This cake is white cake with fudgey icing. She says her original plan was to make a fully functional mp3 cake boombox. The handle is a jumbo sized Tootsie Roll.
Here's a camera for taking photos of your tasty, new, brown Panasonic. Make sure to show us pics of you devouring your boombox cake!


el cad

Member (SA)
Thanks for all the positive comments everyone. I was very surprised with the cake as was my sister, since we shared the party that this cake was for.

Running the real box on AC right now, while the 10 batteries recharge, Have it stacked with the big yellow Magnavox right now, Their sounds really go well together.

Mmm, red velvet camera. I'll have to see if any other photos were taken at the party of people eating some cake.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I need a GPS like el cad's! One that will find all the good thrift stores. :w00t:

That cake is awesome! :thumbsup:

Now, if she ever makes some "special" brownie boombox, I bet it will have really nice highs. :-D :-D :-D

el cad

Member (SA)
Fatdog said:
I need a GPS like el cad's! One that will find all the good thrift stores. :w00t:

That cake is awesome! :thumbsup:

Now, if she ever makes some "special" brownie boombox, I bet it will have really nice highs. :-D :-D :-D
Trust me the GPS has lead me on more wild goose chases then not. I drove 15 miles out of the way to one Good Will that had nothing, and then 5 miles to another that had been closed for a few months. Another time I found a Salvation Army that was just crazy expensive. So far the GPS has worked 1 out of 4 times for finding stores. Though these are just the 4 stores that are on my 45 mile commute to work everyday that I did not know about. I really need to borrow the wife's Droid one day, since that has much better store finding abilities.

Special brownie boombox. Good one,
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