TurboSonic Collection

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Boomus Fidelis
Does anybody know if this place is still in existence? :hmmm:
I've seen these pics in the past but haven't heard anybody talk about it in a long time.


Member (SA)
I remember someone posting recently that when they went to visit TurboSonic they'd found it moved.
Now it shares half the space of a shop with one that sells designer dog toys and only has one wall with blasters on it.

Can't find the link on here, but this is the photos of their visit on flickr:


All credit to the original member who posted this, no disrespect intended at all by posting the above link. Wish I could've found their post.

As you can see, Turbosonic, like the old grey mare, ain't what she used to be.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks Rick that shows it just a shell of it's former self, Turbosonic used to be over the top pee your pants cool. :yes:
Still glad to see they are still open and they certainly still have a decent stock of cool boxes just nothing like they were.
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