Trc-920 relisted at higher than sale price?

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Staff member
I dunno but always find such practices very suspicious, like they think nobody would notice. No response to questions is even more troubling.


Boomus Fidelis
gotta love that low $495 starting bid. where do these motherfuckers come from . it's like every dumb moron that stumbles across a boombox thinks they have the hope diamond.


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Staff member
I like that they think no one will notice. They just need one desperate soul, just 1.


Member (SA)
I have been watching that one too.........I let the first 2 920s go by with my eyes set on that one and the bidding was just out of my comfort zone...... but it looks like it did sell last night. Maybe it was buyer's remorse -lol


Member (SA)
He got back to me last night. I guess the buyer backed out, he also has it on kijiji as well he says. So he relisted it to wait and see if the second highest bidder would want it, or if someone from kijiji would. Seems like an honest guy, we messaged a few times.


Boomus Fidelis
Hmm.....If a buyer doesn't accept a second-chance offer, it's a clear sign that:
1) he made a BS bid that he wasn't actually prepared to pay, OR:
2) he's trying to negotiate because he noticed that the next-highest bidder was a great deal lower than him.


Member (SA)
I dunno, he said he was talking with the second bidder, and put it at the higher price to hold it for him. Apparently he might be a member, cause he messeged me pretty upset cause he saw this. He seems honest though, but upset I posted about it. Understandable.


Staff member
The buyer the 2nd time is the same as the 2nd position buyer from first time. Looks legit enough.

I could understand being upset. This is why I really am not crazy about nor understand the obsession to always try to pick apart and discuss prices all the time.


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
The buyer the 2nd time is the same as the 2nd position buyer from first time. Looks legit enough.

I could understand being upset. This is why I really am not crazy about nor understand the obsession to always try to pick apart and discuss prices all the time.
Yea, I jumped the gun on this I guess. It's not like it was relisted a month later, it was later in the same day.

My curiosity consumes me some times. Somebody get me the dunce cap.


Staff member
No I wasn't really talking about you, just in general it seems like we are always discussing prices and relists even though we aren't privy to the facts, and so that leads to speculations & conspiracy theories. In general a simple peek at the bid history and feedback level of the bidders can give a lot of insight whether something is fishy or not. Also clicking on those hidden bidders tells you if there is an unusual relationship between the bidders & seller.


Boomus Fidelis
i think once these auctions are brought to people attention it's like poking a bee hive with a stick . i mean something bad is bound to happen.


Staff member
Exactly but unlike in the past when true bid history was open, ebay's choice to hide bidders makes it so we are just guessing nowadays and that's problematic.

Lasonic TRC-920

JVC Floyd said:
gotta love that low $495 starting bid. where do these motherfarkers come from . it's like every dumb moron that stumbles across a boombox thinks they have the hope diamond
So, you like my listing huh? :lol: Yep, she's a real beauty! :-D

I do my shipping out of Canada now! :yes:


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Exactly but unlike in the past when true bid history was open, ebay's choice to hide bidders makes it so we are just guessing nowadays and that's problematic.
Yea, I don't completely understand why they made it SO private. I see some reason behind it, but it's not like we use real names, or our phone numbers and addresses are available.


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Yea, I don't completely understand why they made it SO private. I see some reason behind it, but it's not like we use real names, or our phone numbers and addresses are available.
One of the reasons that people tend to profile people's regular purchases, and bidding habits...often out of jealousy or for other reasons :thumbsdown: . There are many other reasons for the privacy also. The best way to buy boxes is to buy them in the wild and deal with real sellers...e-Bay is a crazy nuthouse when it comes to collectors and their purchases, it's quite amusing :lol: I remember back in the day when e-Bay wasn't private...and the same buyers were winning all the boxes and many people were so pissed off that they kept seeing the same winning bidder (s) :lol: .

e-Bay still has many flaws that still need to be addressed ;-)
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