Traveling with a boombox-advice for International flights?


New Member
Hi guys,
New member and new to vintage boomboxes.
A child of the '90s, I of course grew up with cassettesq, VCRs and games on cartridges. Around 6 years ago I sold my last truck that had a tape player, and haven't had any means of playing analog music until last fall.
I found a Panasonic RX-c45 at a thrift store at a reasonable price, so I picked it up. Everything on it works, although I am sure it could use a good cleaning. I had a few cassettes bumping around in the attic, and have bought a few more.
My kids really enjoy it, and I find it to be a nice escape from our modern disposal, streaming, wifi enabled world.
However, we are planning on traveling around Asia for a few years, but I would like to take my boombox along for the ride.
Of course I can buy one once we are there, but like the Panasonic, and feel I lucked out with its condition. The old 'a bird in the hand' if you will.

Has anyone brought a vintage boombox along on an international flight? Obviously would have been common 20-30 years ago, but I worry that with modern security there might be problems (especially since some of the staff may have never seen one before) or that being x-rayed might damage the tapes?

We have plenty of checked and carry-on capacity, so I am flexible for whatever is most likely to be successful.

Unrelated, the radio tuner on this radio has pencil marks at a number of stations. These all line up with local stations, so I believe that this box has likely been in my current area for many years.
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Member (SA)
I've brought several over from Japan, not a single issue. Over there, with limited room, they throw everything out, if you look around on trash day you'll find hard-shell luggage easily for hassle free travel!
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