not to over-emphasize the importance of this box--
but rather than screw up the great sinshine mix threads--
lets have a separate post about this rare one
and even more important than this special box--
is the proof and the SPIRIT it provides --that in the great wide world of boomboxes-
ANYTHING can happen ---anytime
like --we presume that blasterpunk has the worlds ONLY silver jvc rc 550 ???
and we were sure that gordie owned the ONE and only gold conion in existance --right
yet in the past 1/2 year both lopez and gordie found TWO more gold conions
likewise --i had been drooling//praying for YEARS that litfan and/or roddy might sell me
a tosh 40 --as i was convinced --they had the only two on the planet
WRONG --a few months ago --i found this one -- locally, right near here in the unlikely state of florida !!!
so --now we all know for sure --there ARE these rare grails --
and they can be anyplace
ok - thats the sermon -
lets get to the 'how does it sound' part '
well --many of us are and always will be on a mad mission to FINALLY topple
the king --the glorious m90 --for sound quality --of the one piece box world--
here is my GUESS-
IF toshiba had put their extreme brilliant tweets from their s90-
to join the DEEP tight bass of the 40 --
yes,yes --they would have had beat the marvelous , spacious ...full range output of the m90-
but --they DIDNT!!!
so --for the moment
the m90 still has the throne
and by alot !!!
however -- i THINK the tosh 40 bass -- might be a hair deeper and tighter than the m90 bass..
and that says alot
but all this comparo - still remains a multi-month guess -
cuz my tosh 40 --is OLD and very used -
and needs caps and serious switch work and cleaning and tuning --
and THANKS to our great members :::: frank and ramon and norm --
this 40 WILL soon get entirely reconditioned --
and prepared for the final m90 comparo
expect the final report in a few months
but rather than screw up the great sinshine mix threads--
lets have a separate post about this rare one

and even more important than this special box--
is the proof and the SPIRIT it provides --that in the great wide world of boomboxes-
ANYTHING can happen ---anytime
like --we presume that blasterpunk has the worlds ONLY silver jvc rc 550 ???
and we were sure that gordie owned the ONE and only gold conion in existance --right

yet in the past 1/2 year both lopez and gordie found TWO more gold conions

likewise --i had been drooling//praying for YEARS that litfan and/or roddy might sell me

a tosh 40 --as i was convinced --they had the only two on the planet
WRONG --a few months ago --i found this one -- locally, right near here in the unlikely state of florida !!!
so --now we all know for sure --there ARE these rare grails --
and they can be anyplace

ok - thats the sermon -
lets get to the 'how does it sound' part '

well --many of us are and always will be on a mad mission to FINALLY topple
the king --the glorious m90 --for sound quality --of the one piece box world--
here is my GUESS-
IF toshiba had put their extreme brilliant tweets from their s90-
to join the DEEP tight bass of the 40 --
yes,yes --they would have had beat the marvelous , spacious ...full range output of the m90-
but --they DIDNT!!!

so --for the moment

and by alot !!!
however -- i THINK the tosh 40 bass -- might be a hair deeper and tighter than the m90 bass..
and that says alot

but all this comparo - still remains a multi-month guess -
cuz my tosh 40 --is OLD and very used -
and needs caps and serious switch work and cleaning and tuning --
and THANKS to our great members :::: frank and ramon and norm --
this 40 WILL soon get entirely reconditioned --
and prepared for the final m90 comparo

expect the final report in a few months