Today's Finds

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Member (SA)
I hit up an antique store today about 45 minute drive from me, it always (usually) has at least one Blaster for sale.. Didnt see any at first, but as I was about to walk out I spotted a grey square shape behind a big picture was a Montgomery Ward tv box for 15 bucks!
As I took it up to the register to test it out and pay, I spotted a Power Glove in a pile of parts!
I've wanted one since I was a kid! Anyways, struck a deal and left a happy camper.. :yes:
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Member (SA)
markoneswift said:
Forgive my ignorance, but what can you do with a Power Glove ? Looks insanely cool :-)
It's a controller for the original Nintendo Entertainment System, I have yet to try it out..
The square tripods are the sensors..:hmmm:


Member (SA)
Mystic Traveller said:
SuperCool!! StarWars are back.. :w00t:
Do you still have Nintendo itself to connect this Glove to?
I do still have NES, but I think the only game I have is Super Mario Bros.
I'll give it a try this weekend..
Meanwhile, this box is already getting disassembled! All of the front plates pop off, and back casing came off easily..
I think I will custom paint it and give it to one of my sisters for Christmas.. :yes:
Everything about this box screams 3-piecer, just like the GE/Sears/Realistic 3-piece boxes the same size..
But, this is a 1-piece and its so darn flat.. It's just begging for some graphics!
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Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
Got the back painted, now to do the front.. :yes:
NICE! Kinda reminds me of the old school SONY SPORTS colors :drool:


Member (SA)
Power Glove!!!! You mind me asking how much you scored that bad boy for? Chris is right, those go for more than most would think. Not a fortune, but more than I carry in my wallet.

Wait... I don't have any money in my wallet. Dang.
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