Late one night while scanning EPAY i noticed a brand new listing for a JVC M-90. I was shocked first one I had seen in months. The listing stated that it was a one owner box with all original parts, some wear and tear but all knobs were present, speakers were clean and all functions worked. I was interested. I thought a little clean up and I have a king grail to worship at! So I decided to try something I never had done before, contact the seller and see if he would consider selling it as a buy it now. We haggled for half an hour and finally agreed on a price $800 shipped. If it was as he advertised I was happy! Next here's where things went bad real bad

He didn't ship the box for about 10 days. Plus, he lived in Alaska and he sent it parcel post so it took 3 and a half weeks for me to get. I get home and to my surprise It was packed pretty well. First look though, it was beat up a little more than described. Next, I pull it from the box and one antenna is missing and the other is broken in half? Then I noticed there was a dust bunny in the right woofer so I blew on it and underneath was a tear in the woofer? Okay, I wondered how would that affect the sound? The seller didn't include a power cord, although he said he would, so I went and grabbed a cord and plugged it in. The radio dial was a little scratchy but I expected that. Okay radio doesn't sound horrible how about the tape deck? I insert a tape and press play and the power goes shut off? I take out the ac cord and try the radio again, seems fine, then I try the tape again, shuts off! WTF! Okay let me try batteries! Nope that doesn't work either! My wife walks in the room and asks what is that terrible smell? I say what smell and she says moth balls. That thing smells gross! Oh crap now I smell it damn it! Okay back in the box you go.
Seller we have a problem! Thankfully I did use Paypal. And now the waiting game begins. Will I:
1) Get my money back from the seller no problemo.
2) Get my money back after a brief fight.
3) Get a partial refund.
4) Get screwed.
To be continued................................
Ps I would upload some pictures but this has been so distressing I'm not ready to deal with it quite yet.