THROWBACK...Boomboxery style

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Member (SA)
Hey everybody, I know that Fatdog recently created an Instagram account, but I know there are a lot of members that do not use Instagram or other social media sites. Well, on Instagram, #TBT or "Throwback Thursday" is pretty popular. Users post old pictures from their childhood days, last year, or just old school pictures in general of any and everything.

I've always enjoyed when some of you members have posted and shared your old photos of when you were a kid with your old boomboxes/radios, especially since I haven't come across ANY pics from my youth with my boomboxes (yet) I think it's so cool that some of you still have these old photos to look back on.

So with that being said, this thread can be for members to share their old vintage photos of family, friends, or yourselves with a boombox back in the day, last year, or a few years back, or anything old school. I'll start it off with this throwback from the Beat Swapmeet in Downtown L.A. a while back, which is where some of us 1st crossed paths with photographer Nannette Ricaforte, who gets photo credit for this spur of the moment shot.

Its not vintage, or from way, way back in the day, but its one of my favorite throwback pics. So please feel free to post em up! I look forward to seeing some of you guys as youngsters with your boomboxes/radios, have fun with it... so here it is, THROWBACK...Boomboxery style.

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From left to right
Myself, Mac Daddy Freshness, Lasonic TRC-920, & LASTMAN.
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