Thrift Stores in Okinawa, Japan

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Lasonic TRC-920

I finally got out to the thrift stores yesterday, many of which I had been to on my last visit. I swear, I don't think these places sold anything as it all looked the same to me!

Below are some video's I took with my cell phone. Sorry for the shaky hand. It is in High Definition, but it's still a bit jerky! (filmed with the Verizon Thunderbolt cell phone)

This first video is at an "Antique Mall". I really thought I would have my best chances there. They were not to happy when they found out I was video taping. Mostly this place is full of "Vintage American" goods. VERY PRICEY! I saw a wall of old Coleman Lanterns, most of them priced at almost $400.00 EACH! I have at least 10 of those at home! My dad keeps giving them too me! I need to ship them to Japan to trade for Boomboxes!


This next video is VERY typical of what I was seeing at most of the stores. Junk furniture, crap collectibles?....but this is where you would THINK you might find that old dusty SEARCHER or VICTOR :w00t: :yes:


The First FIND! Here is a wild little Panasonic, it's a AM/FM / Cassette / CD / Mini Disc Player. It does have a remote, but it's more of a clock radio and does not take batteries and is not portable. Neat, but not what I am looking for. They wanted 3400 yen or roughly $34.00 US. PASS! If it would have worked on batteries, I would have picked it up!


Here is a 500 yen ($5.00 US) Awia egg, CD / Cassette / AM / FM, more on the Panasonic and a Keysonic. I forget what they wanted for the Keysonic. Not much, but we all know what I do with eggs! :-D :yes:
(if you don't know what I do with eggs, see this thread :lol:


So far, this is all I have been able to find in the wild....but next week, the search will continue as will more video.

Stay Tuned!

(I'm sure some of you guys are going to say "oh, oh , Chris could you get that for me?", unfortunately, the answer is going to have to be PASS! I am saving my limited baggage space on the return flight for anything I might find for myself, very sorry) :-/


No Longer Active
You might find something after all... Maybe.

I'm no egg lover either... As I said before, the only eggs I like are the ones you can crack over a frying pan. :cool:


I Am Legend
chris -
see if you can find yourself a giant egg = RX-DT 909-
if they let you plug in in to hear it -
you WILL buy it


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
chris -
see if you can find yourself a giant egg = RX-DT 909-
if they let you plug in in to hear it -
you WILL buy it
Sounds great even in the YT video! Looks like it also has the "smooth-operator" remote for uniterrupted mood control. :thumbsup:





No Longer Active


Member (SA)
Ira and =ml= it´s right Chris... ;-)

This one of the video is MY 909, found here, in Brazil (purchased from a Japanese guy).

Me (like Mono) has not enjoyed the shape of this kind of radio, but after very searching for informations and follow the advice of the IRA, I bought and this one (by FAR) is my best radio in sound quality and soundstage.

If you find one out there, Snag it!!! :yes:


Member (SA)
woa so great !! I use to go to antiques mall also when I was in japan, love those places (I always came back from there with lot's of over coloured platic stuff :lol: ), The antiques mall I prefered was the one in tokyo (i don't remember its name) but it was just in front of the exit of the subway station and the subway station was the one with the Astrobot wall. No boombox there unfortunately but lot's of old weird japanese stuff (i've bought there a weird babyhead money carrier !) If u go to tokyo I can also explain u how to reach the Design Underground Workshop (I've bought there a 3 deck pany), it's a bit hard to find cause it's far from the center (1 hour and a half to reach it by subway) it's near the takenotsuka station if I remember it well, hidden in residential buildings.

enjoy your trip man ! :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

Thanks for the comments guys,

Well, I walked 5 miles in the rain yesterday (wife had the car). I hit a few more thrift stores....NOTHING! Not even an egg! :sad:
I walked the opposite direction today, 3 or 4 miles, NOTHING! Not even an egg! :sad:

I don't think Okinawa is big in the Blaster department....I think they all come from Honshū (Mainland Japan).

But that doesn't mean it's over...OH NO! :nonono:

I have a BIG surprise coming.....OH YES! :-O :yes:

I'm not ready to reveal what it is yet, BUT, it's F'n BIG!

Details coming soon! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Member (SA)
You cant do that man!!!!!!!!!!

You're on fire. If it's as big as the Lasonic trip this could be huge!!!!!!!!! :-D
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