Yep,GREED! They are still relatively new to capitalism over there. As far as boxes being made for Russia,I'm not so sure about that. See back in the 70's & 80's Russia was the Soviet Union. A communist country and from what I understand they didn't allow their citizens the right to own capitalist,decadent items. So such things were not allowed from outside the iron curtain. They had their own state owned electronics factories in the workers paradise. I have heard of stories of sailors in the soviet Navy that would visit other countries while out on deployment. These sailors would purchase a Sony,National Panasonic or other western boombox. Then upon returning to mother Russia they had x number of days to give up to the "state" their "bugewagh" evil capitalist boombox and get a soviet made one. The power ratings you see are for or from other foreign nations. Most likely all of the countries around their southern border region. Like Singapore,Thailand,Japan and South Korea. Plus others like China,a different kind of communist nation,that believes in capitalism but not the rights of the individual,but I digress. Once the cassette tape and later on the CD fell out of vogue. These boomboxes that we all love so much were gathered up by the ten of thousands and sold in large batches(literally by the pallet)and sold to Russia and other emerging markets. Amongst all those boomers there were(are) sure to be some mint examples left over from the good old days................end of line.