This Tip For Faulty LED (Quartz?) Clock/Display May Fix?

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Member (SA)
Hello BB'ers,

I have 4 Hitachi TRK's with faulty Quartz Clocks/Timers, at least two give a partial display only. I also have a set of digital kitchen scales that use the same LED technology (I assume) but I hadn't used the scales for about 6+ years until I tried them two days ago, finding the display was 'partial' at best with both horizontal and vertical display lines missing and a very slow display action.

I worked at the display by using the scales with different weights over 2 days with no improvement so, before I consigned the scales to the garbage, I placed them in an airing cupboard (for those unfamiliar with the expression, it's a cupboard with a hot water tank inside, always very warm/above normal room temperature) for 2 days and retried the scales a few minutes ago. The result: Perfect! No problems whatsoever, they now work as new without any delay in reaction/function to a changing weight.

I tried this warming trial on the off chance that the LED panel had somehow 'seized up' due to lack of use and, maybe if the LED clock/timer was warmed up, the 'L'/Liquid part of this technology would flow a little easier.

I've no idea how these things work just that there's 'Liquid' in the name so thought I'd have a go. Now this has proved successful I'll be warming up the LED Quartz Clock/Timers on my boxes in due course to see if I can replicate this excellent result.


Member (SA)
Wow! That's pretty informative and makes sense. I'm trying to think of old things I have with lcd's to test that theory!


Member (SA)
Absolutely, that might do the trick, would love to check if this work, but i don´t have no faulty LCD displays :-D

It reminds me a story with those older Macintosh Classic personal computers and if it didn´t boot up, best solution to solve it was to wash motherboard with water, it sounds weird, but did the trick :-D Sorry for the OT


Boomus Fidelis
I need to try the same!
I will take a shower in warm water and see if everything works well.
I forgot where I left the set of belts for my TRK 8600HC. :lol: :w00t: :lol: :-D :lol:


Member (SA)
I've stripped out the LED Quartz clock/timer from a Hitachi TRK-8130E that is faulty, there's little more than a 'pulse' (the resto job for this box is in THIS THREAD). This LED Quartz clock/timer is now in the same airing cupboard I used for the scales and so I'll check progress in 24hrs and keep y'all posted.

The clock/timer operation prior to 24hr warm up in the airing cupboard:

*I used the name Eva Vestoff 'cos sounded like a Russian......'exotic dancer'! :w00t: :lol:
These Hitachi displays don't 'seize up'. I've fixed a couple of Hitachi TRK displays that were only partially working.

They use a conductive rubberised contact strip. Each digit segment has its own contact point. The rubber strips work fine if they are kept upright with a full, flat contact with the circuit board behind the display. With time, the rubber strip bows a little one way leaving a poor connection on some of the contacts.

Straightening the rubber strip with strips of something like thin cardboard to hold the rubber strip upright restores function.

Well that's how I fix them! :-)


Member (SA)
Brilliant, jimmyjimmy19702010 - said just like a boss! An easy-to understand (for ME) explanation of the problem with a remedy that I can work with. Many thanks indeed! :yes: :bow:

Lasonic TRC-920

WOW, smart work on correcting this problem.

How ever we figure these things out, is great! I will remember this trick!
My ADHD freaks out when little things like clock displays don't work :bang:

Van Presence

Member (SA)
hmmm! this is interesting. id really like to try and fix my sanyo M9990 clock, maybe this is a option? i guess i have to take clock piece out of the radio?
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