This is what happens when you loan a boombox out for a case of beer.......

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Well-Known Member
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Someone on a local buy/sell/trade facebook site was looking to borrow an old boombox. They didn't specify which one or what it was for. I messaged them to find out what 'style' they were looking for.

He sent me a snip of the Beastie Boys album cover with the M90. I thought, oh **** - he wants to borrow THAT boombox.


I asked what for? He said that for his families xmas card, they wanted to recreate the album cover and if I had that boombox how much would it cost to buy or borrow it?

I told him to give me a case of beer and a xmas card and it was all his to borrow.

Today, I got both the radio and xmas card. Super happy to have been a part of this. And, from what research I could find out, that album cover picture was taken in New York and this M90 was found in the trash somewhere in Brooklyn, New York before it ended up in my hands.

Couldn't have been a better match.

Beastie Boys xmas card.JPG


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I would bet that NO these are not the exact same radios. Mine just happen to come from around that area and there would just be no way to know if that was the actual one from the album cover.


Member (SA)
From the title I was sure I was going to open it up to find a box in pieces and as I started to read and seeing M90 it had me going.. :jawdrop:
Glad they took care of it and it came back in one piece with BEER!


Member (SA)
My heart was all a-thumping while reading this as I was expecting a rather bad outcome, my cat looked up at me when he heard my loud sigh of relief! :yes: :-D

Cool story, good outcome and you're a Cool Dude for stepping in. :cool: :yes: :rock:


Boomus Fidelis
That's cool I think its awesome these younger people are honoring the beasties and doing it right. You're a brave man Joe .


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
I love sharing my collection. Any chance I can.
Yeah but to a total Stranger??? I mean an M70 or 931 okay maybe... but the M90?? I was scared letting my Sister in laws fiance borrow my beater M70... Lol.

I applaud your generosity. But I know just from dealing with you how cool you are. That's an awesome treat. I aspire to be that kind.


Member (SA)
Its a great picture the one that they send you.
You helped them to get it.
Thats the Xmas spirit :-)

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
You're a darn sight braver than me Joe...if that was done here i would never see the box again (well maybe on ebay) lol
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