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Member (SA)
Today i got a call from a friend of mine who knows about my new hobby...he told me that he has met someone who has been collecting portable audio in the eighties and is now going to sell a great part of his collection because he is going to move to a smaller place .

I hear you say: NO BIG DEAL!..that happens all the time..TRUE....BUT it seems that in this collection there are also the big boomers and blasters that make us so happy at this forum. The most exciting thing of it all is that the boxes are totally NEW and UNUSED and complete with all the paperwork in their woodcarton original boxes with even the receipts from the stores where they were bought by this man..when everything goes as planned i get a chance to buy these items from the very first owner coming week.. My friend says he has seen in this collection about 10 big boxes with SHARP, AIWA, ITT,HITACHI, GRUNDIG,NORDMENDE etc. written on them and lots..really lots of tiny boxes from smaller big brand radio's all from the eighties but all totally new!! I havent seen anything yet but i cant sleep anymore, i am so excited(thanks Pointer Sisters!)

Can this be true or is he pulling my leg??? Has anyone on the Forum experienced something like boxes from the eighties??


I Am Legend
even more thrilling--
is when you get there --
there are some pretty girls-
squatting the brand new boxes

and its the pointer sisters :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :yes: :breakdance:


Member (SA)
walkgirl said:
Vraag eens of ie ook walkmans heeft!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :-D :-D :-D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :afro: :sin:

Ik heb zojuist een afspraak voor eind van de week gemaakt dus i will let you know!
(translation: I have just made an appointment for the end of this week so ik laat het je even weten!)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
even more thrilling--
is when you get there --
there are some pretty girls-
squatting the brand new boxes

and its the pointer sisters :w00t: :w00t: :lol: :yes: :breakdance:

The pretty girls are always welcome(when they are not squatting offcourse)..but i dont think the pointer sisters are that pretty anymore 30 years after their last hitsingle! :-D


Staff member
Sounds like you may have the haul of the century waiting for you. I hope it is everything you heard it was. :-D


Member (SA)
Amazing! :w00t: Hope it works out for you/us! ;-) :breakdance:

Dibs on one of the 10 big boxes (Grundig!)! :w00t: :thumbsup:




Member (SA)
OFF TOPIC: Bill Clinton has visited a Pub today just around the corner where i live in the centre of Amsterdam! link:

ON TOPIC: My friend came by and took a little sample from the collection where he was talking is a Superscope(Marantz) little stereo boombox with a really fantastic marks, no dust, no is unbelievable but it is really brand new!

Excuse me for the bad pictures..i took them in a hurry..







Member (SA)
Wow!! This is absolutely kick arse!

As collectors we all dream of this kind of thing happening, now it's actually happening to one of us!!!

Best of luck Mr. Groove, hope it pans out perfectly for you.

Rock on.
Today I can finally say THERE IS A GOD!!! But he's an Amsterdammer! :annoyed: :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: DAMN!!! That's really awesome!!! DIBS on any Strānj lookin' one!!! ;-)
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