Think about this

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Member (SA)
I was sitting here listening to a new radio station that plays awesome songs on my Vintage GE 3-5267A box and I started to think.

Everything electronic has changed so much over the years. Not even older TV sets work because they have done away with analog signals here in the US. If you own one you need a special antenna and box to pick up and convert digital to analog etc. to make them work.

The trusty vintage boom box radio is the only thing that has yet to change. The same tuner from the early days still picks up the same old FM and AM broadcasts. That's actually really remarkable how long of a time period we're talking about here!
Imagine how much of a disappointment it would be to find out that they're doing away with AM/FM and going digital. This would render the tuner side useless. With modern cars and current stereos still making use of these types of transmissions, this is sure to be the only thing I entered into the world and leave without change.

If you think about it in terms of technology....that's really quite amazing that it is still popular today as it ever was :-)


Member (SA)
I might've heard that gubment is putting the squeeze on radio stations.. In a few years we might have to get a digital FM converter..?


Member (SA)
I thought it is difficult to be rid of fmy radio due that if you can send a signal I can pick it up.
There must be a lot of equipment out there . Maybe the future radio will be run by a underground entity!


Member (SA)
Well, i guess when this happens then many pirate radios will rise up or radio stations both operate in internet, on FM or digitally. Many possibilities, i heard that Norway will abandon FM in 2017 and turn to DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting). :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
It's all part of the plan: Make every aspect of our lives digital so that, with one flick of a switch somewhere, you'll have lost all modes of communications (inwards & outwards), access to 'money' (cashless society) & banking facilities, all utilities, food, vehicle use etc., etc. - ultimately, it's about population control.

Do your own research, be prepared, be wary, be alert and be informed.


Member (SA)
Hopefully FM will never go away. HD radio is getting hype around here. I don't really even know what it is. As long as these boomboxes have RCA inputs they are future proof. (Even the the ones without inputs are fine judging by some of the hack/mods I've seen and heard about on this site.)


Member (SA)
MyOhMy said:
It's all part of the plan: Make every aspect of our lives digital so that, with one flick of a switch somewhere, you'll have lost all modes of communications (inwards & outwards), access to 'money' (cashless society) & banking facilities, all utilities, food, vehicle use etc., etc. - ultimately, it's about population control.

Do your own research, be prepared, be wary, be alert and be informed.
Now there's a theory. Are you a prepper ?? :-)


Member (SA)
markoneswift said:
Now there's a theory. Are you a prepper ?? :-)
Prepper-to-be more like, just haven't got round to it yet but I closely monitor all manner of reputable truther sites daily.

Being bored one day, about 3-4 years ago, I searched 'Conspiracy Theory' just for a laugh - my life changed from that day because of what I found. 'Conspiracy Theory' is as derisory a term as it's meant to sound but 'Truther'? Yes, certainly. The world going all Digital is a just a small piece of a big jig-saw. Scary stuff.
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