Just wondering if anyone round here dances at all.
I remember back in the 80's late grade school searching everywhere for the biggest piece of cardboard I or my parents could find. Then trying and trying and trying to do the helicopter which I never could. Backspins, moonwalking, the wave which I got pretty good at, etc. Herbie hancock and rockit man that was fun. Of course being pre youtube it wasn't easy to learn this stuff. I can't count how many times I hit rewind to try and figure some of the moves down.
Hitting 40 now perhaps I'm having a mid life crisis or who knows but lately I've been non stop obsessed with shuffling. Ya I know a little late huh. Oh well F-it! So maybe if I get good enough I'll kick out a video with some killer boxes. I'm about a month in so give me another year or two.
That is unless my knees finally give out
Top rockn, breakin, c-walkin, gliding, anyone getting any exercise besides me
I remember back in the 80's late grade school searching everywhere for the biggest piece of cardboard I or my parents could find. Then trying and trying and trying to do the helicopter which I never could. Backspins, moonwalking, the wave which I got pretty good at, etc. Herbie hancock and rockit man that was fun. Of course being pre youtube it wasn't easy to learn this stuff. I can't count how many times I hit rewind to try and figure some of the moves down.
Hitting 40 now perhaps I'm having a mid life crisis or who knows but lately I've been non stop obsessed with shuffling. Ya I know a little late huh. Oh well F-it! So maybe if I get good enough I'll kick out a video with some killer boxes. I'm about a month in so give me another year or two.

Top rockn, breakin, c-walkin, gliding, anyone getting any exercise besides me