The return of BLASTER VISION!

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Member (SA)
NICE WORK CHRIS! The look on peoples faces and their reactions are priceless! Some even look confused as if to say, "What is THAT!" LOL, Thanks for capturing some footage with the GoPro man, now I wanna hook up a rig for my GoPro on one of my radios. Had an absolute blast out there!

Lasonic TRC-920

duckman said:
Awesome footage man ! :thumbsup: Love the Kids with the Minis too !
Thanks man, yep, the next generation is already on our heals :-D

SLO said:
NICE WORK CHRIS! The look on peoples faces and their reactions are priceless! Some even look confused as if to say, "What is THAT!" LOL, Thanks for capturing some footage with the GoPro man, now I wanna hook up a rig for my GoPro on one of my radios. Had an absolute blast out there!
Thanks Steve, That Go Pro worked pretty good :cool:

Reli said:
Just flat-out amazing that nobody bashed that gopro off!
I'm as shocked as you! Lots of careful maneuvering

JustCruisin said:
:popcorn: Great mix, Chris! :breakdance:
Thanks JC


Member (SA)
Excellent video work! :thumbsup: Looks like it was a long day, everyone lookin' a little labored at the end and ready for a beverage :beer2:


Member (SA)
Nice video! Specially nice that woman wanted you to pose for a pic. Here in Estonia would people tell you to turn it off and get lost I think... I have to try :w00t:

Lasonic TRC-920

Gluecifer said:
Absolutely rockin to the max!

Top work indeeed.

Rock On.
Thanks Rick, one day, your gonna do this with us :-D :yes:

caution said:
Excellent video work! :thumbsup: Looks like it was a long day, everyone lookin' a little labored at the end and ready for a beverage :beer2:
With my bad back :-/ I got a few years left to BLAST before I'm rockin' from the side lines, so, I though this group of old farts did pretty good :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (Of course AdeeFresh and his young crew did great!)

jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Works ok on my PC though!!
OK, very good. If anyone in other nations can't watch it, you can download it here

stosoorok said:
Nice video! Specially nice that woman wanted you to pose for a pic. Here in Estonia would people tell you to turn it off and get lost I think... I have to try :w00t:
Yeah, get out there and try! :rock:

Lasonic TRC-920

mancardo said:
Awesome job Chris!!!...It was nice to finally meet you and Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:
Thanks brother, it was great meeting you too, sorry it was so brief. Hard to carry on a conversation with the music so loud! :lol:


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Thanks brother, it was great meeting you too, sorry it was so brief. Hard to carry on a conversation with the music so loud! :lol:
I know.....but it's all good. Maybe on the next Cali meet. :thumbsup:
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