The most bids?

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Member (SA)
Hiya everyone,

Just a quick question..... What's the most bids you've ever seen on an eBay boombox?

Let's not worry about the ending price here.....let's just focus on the quantity of bids placed.

It would be interesting to know!



Boomus Fidelis
Your really trying to test some of these already challenged middle aged minds aren't you. :lol:
I don't remember an exact number but I've seen in th 60 bid range I believe.


Member (SA)
What about the visit counter ? or amount of questions,or the whackiest questions ?
The most bids i`ve ever seen was when John Schneider (bo duke from dukes of hazzard) was selling his General Lee on ebay,that went for BIG $$,and it had Lotttts of bids..check his username johnsebiz...
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