the mistery light box

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Member (SA)
i do some pics with light painting...
and i 've got an idea , so let me know what model is this mistery light box:



Member (SA)
...that's definitely my favorite box of all time...the M70. I like what you did with the lighting, nice touch.


I Am Legend
Fatdog said:
Tiko said:
Exactly!!! and what about my nice picture????????? :huh:
That's a really cool effect, Tiko. I am curious as to how you did it. :yes:

i think it looks exciting-- :-) :yes:

was it part of a photoshop type program -
or was this a mode in your camera set-up ?


Member (SA)
that's an effect with light and my camera!!
Not a photoshop effect :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:
the name of this effect is : long exposure, Picasso a great painting artisit do this long time ago.... and now some graffiti artist like : marko 3dt ,have taken that...
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