The M90, I don't miss it!

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No Longer Active
Since getting my Diatone JR-711 back in late July, that's been my primary listening box. Before then, the M90 held that spot...

For 3 days this past week, I put the M90 back in effect mostly because of the long time away from it and partly because
I also wanted to hear the new music I got on Thursday in it's full glory...

The M90 is, without question, ALL THAT and a bag of chips with the dip + all that other good sh!t,... but yesterday
I sort of got tired of the M90 and switched back to the JR-711 to see if I'd miss anything...

I did - FOR ALL OF ABOUT 3 MINUTES - and then it was gone! it wasn't even that dramatic of a drop off in sound!
The M90 does it better when it comes to highs and loudness but the JR-711 does its own thing VERY well!

That said, the M90 will probably sit and collect dust for the next few months until curiosity kicks in again! :cool:


Anybody else has an M90 and another 1-piece box they can alternate between without missing much of anything?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That's saying a lot for that Diatone. But hey, it's nice to know that there are boxes that can make us "forget" about the M90 - at least for a while. :yes:


I Am Legend
hey mono --thats very interesting :hmmm:

for me --the crown 970 and the tosh s90 are somewhat interchangeable with the m90-
surely not better --
but different sounds --all QUALITY


dibs on your useless diatone turkey :-)


No Longer Active
Yeah, NOT better than the M90, but definitely better than almost every other box I own... It is what it is... :cool:


Not gonna happen! :nonono: :-D :cool:


Member (SA)
That is very interesting. Hey, can you post a pic of your Daitone? I can't remember how it looks. Thanks :-)


Member (SA)
Yea a pic of this Diatone would be nice. The M90 is boring as far as looks go. I've been rocking my Wx-1 (I know not a one piecer) and my C-100f for loudness purposes. I'm even thinking about selling my M90 (fully working with remote control!) pretty soon. I like my LED's better than my VU meter radios. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Fully agree with MONO here!

I find my S90, BigBen, CS-880, RX-7200 and M-X920 all happily interchangeable with my M90 without any great loss of sound quality during my usual daily listening at medium volume.

I think it's a bit of a misnomer that wheny ou have an M90 everything else sounds rubbish by comparison. With a lot of the high end onepiecers you get different sound personalities that are not worse than the M90, just different.

Whenever I go through a phase of listening to some different music to my usual stuff, or find a truly rockin new album I usually switch my main listening radio too.

Rock On.


No Longer Active
Reli said:
The Diatone was in his avatar up until a few days ago ;-)
True indeed! :cool: Here's a few pics:



Member (SA)
My M90 gets about 5% of my listening time - 80% of the time I listen to Sharp GF-800, BigBen and Sharp GF-777. M90 is just too perfect, if that makes any sense :-D


Boomus Fidelis
kick ass box . i love these japan domestic boomboxes something different from the normal stuff you see everyday.


No Longer Active
Good looking. Those woofers look as big as my WHEELY's. :-O

They're 8" woofers. The box itself is smaller than a Rising 20/20, very slightly taller and longer than an M70.

JVC Floyd said:
kick ass box . i love these japan domestic boomboxes something different from the normal stuff you see everyday.

Glad it was never released outside of Japan! :cool:
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