The Last Call

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Lasonic TRC-920

Tomorrow morning I jump a plane back to Los Angeles and end my three week trip to Japan. As you all know, I scored me a rare Toshiba and she is packed up in my "Check Luggage". (I'm having to mail some of my clothes home to make room :lol:)


Aside from missing my wife, I will miss talking to all the guys in Australia in the Boom Room. It's been GREAT to get to talk LIVE to them!


Oh No.....In the immortal words of of the greatest Jedi of them all, Yoda....."There is ANOTHER!"

When I got here, I worked diligently to find a radio in the shops. With in the first few days, I was driving around looking for radios. When that didn't work, I was on to see what I could find because I wanted to get it shipped to ME before I headed home. It was a stressful thing to go through, because I had not shipped to my wifes address and I did not want to miss the shipment by not being home. Thankfully she showed up so I have the Toshiba to take home with me.

There is a second radio that I won on I knew it was not going to make it to me in time to bring home, but THIS was the radio I originally came to get!

Since last year when I was here, I saw these were all over, UNTIL I got here :-/

But a little over a week ago, two of them showed up, I was the only one to bid on it and for $38, there was no way to lose!

The radio I'm referring too is the SHARP VZ V2 (VZ 2000). This radio has been on my list for a long time and at $38, it looks good, but needs the usual work. Needs a few sliders, deck work, platter belts. But my reasoning is, buy it CHEAP, spend some money fixing her up, have me a sweet VZ! We'll see how that goes! :-/ :yes: :lol:

Of course I have to still have her shipped to my wife and then see what it will cost to have her shipped home. If it's too much, it will come home in November with my wife (free of charge :w00t: )

Pic's of this radio will come later....

So that was the BIG JAPANESE Boombox trip.

Even though I never found VINTAGE radios in stores, below are some pictures of radios I did see!











I even saw this guy in the Military Exchange. I had to get his picture!


Last but not least....a little Japanese culture!


I'll be on the dark side of the moon for a few days....B.S. with you all soon!


Member (SA)
Yay!! Chris finally got his VZ!! Bloody fantastic!

Been a pleasure having you in the boom room too.

Have a safe trip home brother!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Yay!! Chris finally got his VZ!! Bloody fantastic!

Been a pleasure having you in the boom room too.

Have a safe trip home brother!

Rock On.


Enjoy and have a safe trip home mate.


No Longer Active
That's a damn shame... Every single one of those boxes are wack! :thumbsdown:

That said, the best looking box is the one on dude's shirt. :cool:
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