Dr DER, on 08 May 2015 - 2:22 PM, said:
I just checked and it has no name on it, but if you search eBay you will find it. They are cheap, think I paid $5.00 delivered from China. But it's not very powerful. I can hang it in the middle of my boomroom from the cieling light and it will get a signal out to all the radio's, but just barely. If you had a friend hanging out and you wanted to get music to two radio's they would need to be side by side near the transmitter, but hey, it's better than nothing.
I have one of these, exact same design and I found a little guide to add a better antenae wire, which i did, and the range is much better, probably tripled. I'll see if I can find the article, if not I'll take a snap of the pcb in mine. It was dead easy to do.