The JVC 838JW Cranking Rihanna's new Song FM!

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Member (SA)
Hi everyone-Here's a video I took yesterday of the fully restored JV 838JW!
I was cranking up Rihanna's new song on this.
I really like this as it's my Frankenstein booombox!
It has a new brain! (slider board) or should I say a lung or something!

I hope you like it.
Have more on my You-Tube channel.
The GF-9797 outside as well!
Have a great week-Jeff. :-) :yes: :surf: :breakdance: :stereo: :dj-party:



Member (SA)
Thanks guys! I'm still kind of new at taking videos so bear with me!

Eddy-sorry about that but I do like the newer pop music. :-O :w00t:
I do have a video of some Rockwell playing on my Sharp GF-9797 on my You-Tube account.
I will have more videos soon and thus 80's music & break dance music will ensue!!! :-O :breakdance: :sin: :cool:
Have a great week-Jeff. :-) :-P :cool: :afro: :choco: :yes:
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