the History of the Boombox

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I Am Legend
yup --that photographer , lyle --
is also a good member here -- lots of us in the states have met him--
great person to know :-) :-)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lyle's boombox book will be coming out soon and it will include many members' boomboxes! :-) :yes: :cool:


Member (SA)
I just watched this video for the third time now... Well done all the way around.

I'll be posting that link to any and all future ebay sales, for sure. :)

Just thought I'd post another comment to bump this thread....


Member (SA)
Great clip. It's interesting, the Hip hop culture played a huge role in the bbx history, I was out in the suberbs in the 70s, pretty far removed from the city life. As early as 1974 I had a stereo cassette player-recorder and was one of the few 13 year olds who had one. Recorded live concerts off the radio....drew a crowd behind our school since I had last nights Zep concert for all to hear. That bbx even got me expelled (played it in class after being asked not to many times). By 1977 I graduated to a bigger better unit, a Sony CF-580. Now you saw more boxes out there...the JVC's were the one to own by about 1978. Then the flood came about 1981-2,

Just glad I was there in the early was a pretty long time ago now.....great times.


Member (SA)
I'm glad that book is being worked on but sad at the same time that I have nothing worth going in it.


Member (SA)
Yeah.... I watched that vid a few times (never thought of linking it here... dumb ass me).... This said, who is that dude with the hat the "Collector"? I cannot seem to take him seriously.

Is he a know person in the US?

He might be a singer of a well known group or something... (If that is the case then I will know him, but not by face or name. Why?)

Well, when I was a teen, into music with my Bboxes and stuff... I found that when I got to know who was who, putting names onto voices and faces, I ended up not being interested in the Group (or person) anymore, for they became just "Humans".... I had to "Not Know" who was who so as to keep the magic of the music and musicians.

I had to keep them as Immortals!!!!!!

If a name was put onto a face (or the singer of a group...) that was it. I would sadly loose interest because they, all of a sudden, became mortals.

You guys get what I am saying?

This brought me to stop watching TV for the same reason.... Not just for musicians but for actors as well. They would loose all their credibility, especially when you see all (no exception) actors promoting which ever movie... NEVER will they say, "The director was a total ass, but I still finished the movie, and don't wanna work with the fuUcker anymore." Never will they say, "What a stupid movie! I don't even know why I said yes.". Never will they say the truth on how much an alcoholic the co-actor Is/was, nor will they ever tell it like it is/was... They are forced to promote "What-ever" in an artificial way saying how it might have been hard but everyone was wonderful, nice and beautiful...

The People, for me, have to stay in total dark so as, when I hear a good song (Metal, Soul, Funk, Rock... ) they will stay gods!

And actors will stay credible as the person they were in the Great movie I saw.

So, sorry if I hijacked the Post...

But, yeah... Who is that guy?????

:blush: :-P
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