The GE M8350A - monobox without a radio - updated

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Growing up in the 70s mom & dad kept this wee beastie in their bedroom...

The GE M8350A.jpg

Mum used to play her Harry Chapin tape on this - Living Room Suite IIRC - whilst in the kitchen. Got to play with it a few times - I remember singing the theme from S.W.A.T. though I don't recall ever watching an episode of that show - and eventually - when they were done with it - I got to have it for myself. Long since died and was dismantled - I kept for the longest time the volume and tone control pots. This is one I just picked up on eBay.

I presume the rules defining a boombox require the presence of a radio but I'm gonna put in for a waiver on this one...

Lasonic TRC-920

Ghetteaux Les Fabulous said:
Growing up in the 70s mom & dad kept this wee beastie in their bedroom...

The GE M8350A.jpg

Mum used to play her Harry Chapin tape on this - Living Room Suite IIRC - whilst in the kitchen. Got to play with it a few times - I remember singing the theme from S.W.A.T. though I don't recall ever watching an episode of that show - and eventually I got to have it - when they were done with it. Long since died and was dismantled - I kept for the longest time the volume and tone control pots. This is one I just picked up on eBay.

I presume the rules defining a boombox require the presence of a radio but I'm gonna put in for a waiver on this one...
The rules are sometimes a little fuzzy, but that is a cool player man, brings back memories!


Member (SA)
Waiver accepted. Nothing better than finding your childhood radio. Congrats, bro.
Update with photographie!

GE M8350A box.jpg

Came with the original box and Styrofoam inserts but not the factory microphone. I do have a GE mike laying about but it won't fit in this wee beastie's microphone compartment.

My GE M8350A.jpg

It did have it's power supply tucked away in another compartment. Even has plug slots so it doesn't bounce around when not in use.

GE M8350A mecha.jpg

Surprisingly enough, the belts were still good - no British Petroleum spill to clean up. Did have to scrape crud off one of the battery terminals.

GE M8350A motor.jpg

Playing a tape and the motor was running slow. Tapping it a few times with the butt end of a screwdriver put it to rights for a spell. Ultimately had to disassemble it and clean the governor mechanism. Curious thing. Motor has only one lead going in - the rest of the circuit is carried through the chassis! No wonder this uses a wall wart instead of a built-in transformer.

GE M8350A speaker.jpg

A clue to the OEM? Another clue is the fast forward button doesn't lock. This is a wonderfully LOUD machine. Played my junky Bob Wills tape fairly well and test recordings proved equally volumatic. This machine don't need no stinkin' '11'...

Electra CT-100 & GE M8350A.jpg

Seen here with my other extremely vintage monobox - an Electra CT-100.

Welcome back the the Chateaux Ghetteaux GE M8350A! It has been too long a time without you...
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