The boxes that never made it.

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Member (SA)
Yes, fellow WGM members, it is rather saddening to say this.

There were a few BoomBoxes that were made on the drawing board, and well......

Prototypes may very well have been made, but its a fact that in this thread, there are boxes that just didn't get the chance to woof their woofers on the streets. :sad:

And some of them.....They never left the drawing board. Prototypes were never made.

In this thread, we take a look at some of the boomers that never made it.

To start with, the Stereo version of the JVC Monobox:


I am sure that there are other boxes that never made it.....More later.



Member (SA)
I know it is on the "real" box, was wondering on this one due to those 2 massive woofers might be a good idea to have a port


Member (SA)
Well peoples, I am glad you like the Stereo version of the JVC monobox.

The thing is though, you'll never own one. :sadno:

There were other prototype versions of this JVC monobox......More on those later.

Meanwhile though, Sharp were at it, you know.

They were looking at doing something a little diffeent to their VZ range.

While there are 'Home-stereo-system' style VZs, we do know of two versions of the portable VZ.....

The VZ-2000 and the VZ-2500 BSLT.

The one that Sharp played about with a bit, was the VZ-2000.

For owners of the VZ-2000, you'l know how much of a tank these things weigh.

So, how much would the VZ-2002 weigh? YES, that is VZ-2002. Check it:


Two prototypes were made.....One was destroyed in an earthquake in Kobe, Japan.

No-one knows where the other one is....... :huh:



Member (SA)
Ah yes....I have heard of that big ten-speaker GF.

The thing is though, by the time that Sharp added the 24 D-cells into the weight equation, they figured that it would weigh way more than a standard VZ-2000.

....So they pulled the plug on it.

Just one more box that never woofed its woofers on the streets..... :sad:



Member (SA)
OK fellow members of the WGM, more boxes that never made it.

Let's go back to the JVC mono-box, but let's keep it mono this time.

On this one, they changed the black for Limited-Edition Silver, and......


.....Gave it Double Cassette!

Of course, the Limited Edition Silver is available on the standard single cassette monobox. :-)

But once again, this box never saw the streets. :sadno:



Member (SA)
OK people, this brings us to the last of the JVC monobox-lookalikes.

In this last one, we go stereo again. :cool:

Again, this is one of those that JVC never sent to the production line.

As you can see from the picture below, it's rather obvious why they didn't produce this one.


Imagine if all of those tape decks had recording capability.....Use a line-in from another boombox, load up this monster with tapes, and you have a 3-deck Pirating Machine! :-O

So there we are. I will have to see if I have more 'Boxes that never made it'.

More later.

Well, maybe.

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