mellymelsr said:
For me it was the summer of 81...I was 13 and had a brand new Panasonic 5150 and my best friend had an M70. We walked everywhere with those radios. The park, Boy's Club, the Mall, on the bus, everywhere! My music of choice back then was electronic funk, soul, r&b, and rap. Favorite bands were The Gap Band and Parliament/Funkadelic. That boombox and the music played on it brought me more joy than I can explain. If you had music to play there were always people hanging around (ie girls) so life was good. Having boomboxes today allows me to go back in time and remember the good old days.
In 83 me and my Lasonic TRC 920 went every where and although 90% of the time I was listening to AC/DC, Van Halen and other Rock, Like Melly I would play what ever brought the girls!
If they had a mix tape, I would pretend to be totally ANNOYED to have to play it :annoyed: But the truth was, I was more then happy to get that face time.
Yet another great reason to be one of the few on the block with a boombox!
I had a buddy up the street who "Kind Of Had" a radio. It was really his dads. His dad used to workout in the garage and used the radio for that and when his dad would go to work my buddy would sneak it out. I lived at the end of the block on the corner, he lived mid block. Well, one day we were on the corner in front of my house with the radios, vying for the girls attention when his dad came home from work early.
I remember his dad driving by....stopping, thinking "Did I just see what I saw?" and backing up...He got out of the car, (we thought his dad was going to knock his head clean off in front of us as was common of the time!) he GRABBED his stereo, not saying a word and got back in the car and drove off. My buddy ran home a few minutes later. We didn't see him for a week! THAT WAS THE END OF THAT. I continued to rule supreme with the 920 the rest of the summer!
In hind site I now realize that radio meant as much to his dad as they do to us and being NEW and a $300 item back in 1983. That was a big deal. Of course we were snot nosed 13 years olds that destroyed everything we touched, so I'm sure that added some weight to the situation!