The Boombox Fairy delivered a GREEN one today

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Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
:hmmm: :hmmm: Darndest thing. :hmmm: :hmmm:
I pick little miss up from the inlaws Thursday and POOF there was some off brand never heard of box I had to cart home Sampo or something like it. :huh:

And a mere day and a half later, there was a box delivered earlier had a cute lil mini-box and it was GREEN.

For the record, I still would like her to deliver a blinky discolight one :angelic:


Member (SA)
my guess is the CONION City Boy :w00t:
If so: awesome!!!! :thumbsup:

Hey, Mrs. Fatdog, if you send Bobby's Clairtone or M90 on the way to me, I might drop off a Discolite when the boombox fairy comes by :-P
JK - I love my discolite and I would be pretty torn if someone offered me an M90 for it... :blush:
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