I have never been so happy before after giving away a boombox I actually liked. But this time, I think I am just as happy as the guy who got it.
But let me start from the beginning.
Since I am going to college soon, I had to scrape some cash together. So I listed some boxes I could part with for sale here and in local ads.
Sadly nobody really wanted them here - probably it were boxes that were available more often.
So after I almost forgot I had the boxes in local ads too, I got a phone call from a girl saying her Brasilian boyfriend always wanted that Lasonic i931.
It all seemed a little strange to me at first but she seemed nice and serious on the phone so we agreed on a date where she and her boyfriend would come to see the box.
Today, they came and I have to say her boyfriend came straight from the 80s. He was a really cool guy! Even though he did not speak a word of German or English, we were able to communicate a little through his girlfriend.
He told me he actually comes form a very poor area of Brasil and worked a long time to afford the flight to Germany and this boombox. He could not order one to his town because the postmen usually steal the contents of packages that come in
. Last christmas, he got a completely empty package.
Anyway, now that he is in Germany and saw this boombox in local ads, he was so happy and wanted to get it right away.
He is a street dancer and tries to keep himself over water by performing in the streets. Therefore he has the perfect tool now.
Then we talked about boomboxes in general a little and I told him I actually collected the vintage ones with cassette deck and asked him if he wanted to see my collection.
Well, what can I say? When he entered my room, all he said was "Loco!" and had his mouth wide open.
I showed him the old Lasonic 975 and he was amazed. When I turned on the discolite, it fully got him. He took out his video camera and filmed the boomboxes in an awe. He talked about "Step Up 3" and how he feels like that right now.
Then he gave me his talisman, a micro-cassette that he had as a necklace and told me to keep it. I was very very thankful. It was so cool. We talked the same language without saying a word actually.
He told me he would contact me through facebook again once he is back in Brasil.I personally could not have thought of anyone better to buy my i931.
It will hit the streets of Brasil now. How cool is that?
Anyway, I just wanted to share my happiness about today's event here. probably someone has a similar story to tell.

But let me start from the beginning.
Since I am going to college soon, I had to scrape some cash together. So I listed some boxes I could part with for sale here and in local ads.
Sadly nobody really wanted them here - probably it were boxes that were available more often.
So after I almost forgot I had the boxes in local ads too, I got a phone call from a girl saying her Brasilian boyfriend always wanted that Lasonic i931.
It all seemed a little strange to me at first but she seemed nice and serious on the phone so we agreed on a date where she and her boyfriend would come to see the box.
Today, they came and I have to say her boyfriend came straight from the 80s. He was a really cool guy! Even though he did not speak a word of German or English, we were able to communicate a little through his girlfriend.
He told me he actually comes form a very poor area of Brasil and worked a long time to afford the flight to Germany and this boombox. He could not order one to his town because the postmen usually steal the contents of packages that come in

Anyway, now that he is in Germany and saw this boombox in local ads, he was so happy and wanted to get it right away.
He is a street dancer and tries to keep himself over water by performing in the streets. Therefore he has the perfect tool now.
Then we talked about boomboxes in general a little and I told him I actually collected the vintage ones with cassette deck and asked him if he wanted to see my collection.
Well, what can I say? When he entered my room, all he said was "Loco!" and had his mouth wide open.
I showed him the old Lasonic 975 and he was amazed. When I turned on the discolite, it fully got him. He took out his video camera and filmed the boomboxes in an awe. He talked about "Step Up 3" and how he feels like that right now.
Then he gave me his talisman, a micro-cassette that he had as a necklace and told me to keep it. I was very very thankful. It was so cool. We talked the same language without saying a word actually.

He told me he would contact me through facebook again once he is back in Brasil.I personally could not have thought of anyone better to buy my i931.
It will hit the streets of Brasil now. How cool is that?

Anyway, I just wanted to share my happiness about today's event here. probably someone has a similar story to tell.