Thank you for allowing me to join

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Member (SA)
FNG to this forum but an old tapehead.
Previously into cassette recorders then started picking up walkmans and now have started collecting boomboxes.
I have lurked, reading this forum for awhile prior to signing up....I am weak on the repair and modification end of the hobby and appreciate all the topics and knowledge presented here which are helping me become more adept at repair and purchase----thank you for building and maintaining this site----


Boomus Fidelis
Welcome to the most beautiful forum on the planet! :hi: :hi: :hi:

You were first greeted by the greatest and most respected collector of boomboxes!


Member (SA)
Welcome eli!!! Keep reading and searching, it's a great site with a wealth of information.

The members are cool too. ;)


Staff member
Welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy your stay here. Lotsa knowledge and history. And don't worry...once bitten, your passion will carry you on the repair side. :-)


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
thanks for joining --this is the ' its all good ' site

where are you from ?
Thanks for asking
I should have mentioned my location
I'm in Roswell, New Mexico--USA


Member (SA)
restocat said:
Roswell is an interesting town..
There is actually a support group headquarters in town for individuals who claimed to have been abducted---they come from all over the country to attend meetings----and of course the X-files last episode had Scully and Mulder with their baby hiding out in a motel here in Roswell---sort of fitting?


Member (SA)
Welcome to BOOMBOXERY Eli :hi: Always great to see new members come join the madness!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thank you for joining! Have a great time here while your collection grows and your wife packs her bags!


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
Thank you for joining! Have a great time here while your collection grows and your wife packs her bags!
So true!

Welcome from another 'Newbie' and a surviving addict of the "If one more piece comes in the house, one has to leave" montra, that morphed into "two pieces need to go" and guess who was the 2nd piece? Doh!

Not all bad however as a fair chunk of my collection,tho mine is mostly home audio gear,
is residing in HER mom's garage! :-P

The addiction is a strong one. Tread lightly but carry a big box!

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