I would like to see other boomboxes with Alarm systems posted up here!
So let me get this right, these are all optical motion detectors NOT physical movement detectors?
The Helix's sensor has a bunch of scratches in it, so I might pull that out and polish it.
Funny story:
When I got the J1 repaired, the first night I had it home I accidently set the alarm. My wife walked in the Boom Room and POW ! ! ! she starts screaming! So, the night goes on, she goes to bed, I keep tinkering with my rado's while drinking a few beers. The next morning, she gets up before me and a short time later I hear the alarm and her screaming and she is fricken PISSED!
So, now I don't mess around, I don't want her to "Do the Right Thing" on my J1