Chris gave me an idea for a thread...a comparo between my newest acquisition and a boomer that lots of people have/have heard!
(Sorry about the pictures, but my storage area is not very well lighted.)
With no further delay...Ta Da!
First impressions are very important, and here it's all Sharp. When you look at the Tele, you think "audio gear." Then, you see the Sharp, and it just screams "ghetto blaster." Not just that but more like "butt-whuppin, head-slap-pin, clotheslining ghetto blaster."
Sound-wise, the Tele takes the prize hands down. Crispy highs and booming' lows, a very well-defined sound stage, and mids clean as a whistle are standouts on it's three-way speaker system. The Sharp, which I had expected to have better lows, was obviously second best.
But just when you think it's no contest, you turn up the volume and voila! The Sharp comes roaring to life. For pure power, it's still the King at my house. It's just flat out louder.
For those of you who like portability, the winner is the Sharp (if you can believe that.) As heavy as a Sharp is, that Tele weighs, by my guess, at least half as much again as the Sharp. Taking it for a stroll is simply a non-starter. You just wouldn't think that by looks alone.
Both these boxes are built to the highest standards and are products of a far different time, when quality really was important. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, it's just too close to call. In this battle of East meets West, it's a tie. It's not a matter of bad points, it's more like good points and then even better points.
Both of these are must have boomers for a basic collection. No two ways about it.
(Sorry about the pictures, but my storage area is not very well lighted.)

With no further delay...Ta Da!

First impressions are very important, and here it's all Sharp. When you look at the Tele, you think "audio gear." Then, you see the Sharp, and it just screams "ghetto blaster." Not just that but more like "butt-whuppin, head-slap-pin, clotheslining ghetto blaster."
Sound-wise, the Tele takes the prize hands down. Crispy highs and booming' lows, a very well-defined sound stage, and mids clean as a whistle are standouts on it's three-way speaker system. The Sharp, which I had expected to have better lows, was obviously second best.
But just when you think it's no contest, you turn up the volume and voila! The Sharp comes roaring to life. For pure power, it's still the King at my house. It's just flat out louder.
For those of you who like portability, the winner is the Sharp (if you can believe that.) As heavy as a Sharp is, that Tele weighs, by my guess, at least half as much again as the Sharp. Taking it for a stroll is simply a non-starter. You just wouldn't think that by looks alone.
Both these boxes are built to the highest standards and are products of a far different time, when quality really was important. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, it's just too close to call. In this battle of East meets West, it's a tie. It's not a matter of bad points, it's more like good points and then even better points.
Both of these are must have boomers for a basic collection. No two ways about it.