So yesterday, I rebelted a kaboom by replacing the single medium belt with a double small belt instead. I feel that will be more reliable than the original single belt design. After reassembly, I found that Kenny Rogers sounded older than usual. Clearly, the speed was off a bit.
So.... today, I disassembled it again to readjust the cassette speed. Since the kaboom does not have a line out, I needed an output source to connect my frequency counter in order to adjust tape speed against the calibrated test tape. Taking the signal from the subs was out of the question since the crossover will filter out exactly the audio signals I need for the adjustment. But in order to do the adjustment, the front shell needs to be removed -- so no front speakers connected. Anyhow, I took the audio signal from the now vacant connector (the one that goes to the front speakers) and did the adjustment.
Now, without the front speakers, the only speakers working were the side firing subs. Out of curiosity for how the kaboom sounds without the front speakers, I removed the test tape and changed to FM to see how it sounds and let me just say that no intelligible audio could be heard. I could see the woofers moving and I could "feel" but not really hear anything except buzzing and some thumping. It was not possible to tell what music program was actually playing.
So I took the basket off the back of the front speakers and found a HUGE magnet. The magnet looks wider than the speakers themselves -- don't know if that's true as I didn't measure but let's just say aht they are big. They are also rated at higher wattage than most every 1-piece boombox I've ever seen. Reassembled the boombox and fired her up. Tape speed working fine now and everything sounds fine. Kenny sounds 20 years younger.
Anyhow, I know you are all saying.... get to the point. Be patient guys....
So I turned it up to it's usual kaboomy self and put my ear up against those little speakers. What I have discovered is that virtually ALL of the audible audio is produced by those teeny front speakers. THEY PRODUCE GOOD BASS, enough that even without the side subs, I think the audio quality is nothing to be ashamed of. The side firing subs only produces the very very low hz's that is barely even audible. You can feel it, but not really hear it. So every beat of the drum, every thud, bang and loud bass beat as well as all the highs (albeit not super highs) are reproduced by those front speakers.
So my point is that those front speakers in the kaboom are simply awesome drivers, have great dynamic range including solid bass, with or without the side subs, and would probably sound great in any boombox or sealed 3-piece enclosure. Now, if only parts kabooms were cheap, I can stock up on them.....
So.... today, I disassembled it again to readjust the cassette speed. Since the kaboom does not have a line out, I needed an output source to connect my frequency counter in order to adjust tape speed against the calibrated test tape. Taking the signal from the subs was out of the question since the crossover will filter out exactly the audio signals I need for the adjustment. But in order to do the adjustment, the front shell needs to be removed -- so no front speakers connected. Anyhow, I took the audio signal from the now vacant connector (the one that goes to the front speakers) and did the adjustment.
Now, without the front speakers, the only speakers working were the side firing subs. Out of curiosity for how the kaboom sounds without the front speakers, I removed the test tape and changed to FM to see how it sounds and let me just say that no intelligible audio could be heard. I could see the woofers moving and I could "feel" but not really hear anything except buzzing and some thumping. It was not possible to tell what music program was actually playing.
So I took the basket off the back of the front speakers and found a HUGE magnet. The magnet looks wider than the speakers themselves -- don't know if that's true as I didn't measure but let's just say aht they are big. They are also rated at higher wattage than most every 1-piece boombox I've ever seen. Reassembled the boombox and fired her up. Tape speed working fine now and everything sounds fine. Kenny sounds 20 years younger.
Anyhow, I know you are all saying.... get to the point. Be patient guys....
So I turned it up to it's usual kaboomy self and put my ear up against those little speakers. What I have discovered is that virtually ALL of the audible audio is produced by those teeny front speakers. THEY PRODUCE GOOD BASS, enough that even without the side subs, I think the audio quality is nothing to be ashamed of. The side firing subs only produces the very very low hz's that is barely even audible. You can feel it, but not really hear it. So every beat of the drum, every thud, bang and loud bass beat as well as all the highs (albeit not super highs) are reproduced by those front speakers.
So my point is that those front speakers in the kaboom are simply awesome drivers, have great dynamic range including solid bass, with or without the side subs, and would probably sound great in any boombox or sealed 3-piece enclosure. Now, if only parts kabooms were cheap, I can stock up on them.....