Technisonic tc-555 yay or nay need some input and info on it

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Member (SA)
Technisonic tc-555 ive got the opportunity to buy one for 150$ working except for 2 lights over the left speaker the other 3 work in the row
1 I don't know much about this box so I'm hoping my fellow boomboxers can give me some info
2 that price is Canadian dollars I've seen it sell on eBay for more
3 is it easy to work on I like the box and I'm looking for something larger than my rc-838 without breaking my bank or should I just save up more and get the trc 931 when I see one go for cheap
I don't know much about this technisonic and the internet provides no info other than a few pictures
Easy to work on? Yes
It's a big empty lightweight style of box - plenty of room to space out components for easy access.

Should you buy one? Up to you dude. They are impressively big, that's for sure. Some say the sound is good too.


Member (SA)
I like the look but I've never heard one before it does look impressively large also i just like input on boxes while I'm thinking about the purchase
Is there a difference between the black and gold tc-555
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