TDK 3-speaker Boombox TP6803 volume goes off.

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New Member
Hi. I have both of these models - the 2 speaker and the 3 speaker. Have had to replace the volume control in the 6802 already, but this one has other problems. I've worked on this Chinese-built stuff for 25 years or more, and not a fan of nothing unplugging, hot glue everywhere, no part numbers, and not being able to separate the boards to troubleshoot anything. Neither one are built well at all. But the volume drops completely out on the 3 speaker unit. Shows audio present at the display, and all functions switch and work.

I suspect either a volume control IC or input switching IC, just due to the way it's acting. Something common to both channels. It plays fine for hours sometimes, and then it will do this six or eight times in a row, needing rebooted. Have not done any firmware updates on either box, since they only seem to apply to distortion fixes and adding power off options. Just wondered if anyone has had this problem, and traced it out. My guess is that there's a flaky flat-pack IC that's either not accessible or again, has no meaningful part number.


Member (SA)
There are some good threads on here on how to remove the glass face plate it's a big job. Then there's the re-flash issue which turns it into a brick.


New Member
I've had the one apart already. Just not the big one. No worries with that, I just was curious if anyone had fixed the sound drop-out problem.


Member (SA)
I had a two speaker that would drop out, just reboot to fix. I think doing a reflash may fix this intermittent issue but your risking a brick.
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