tape deck/wrong speed

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Member (SA)
hi everbody
can somebody help me
my tapedecks from both ics str 5091 plays at a wrong speed, one is much to fast, one plays to slow
i opened the back from the box and there is a little screw at the tapedeck with two letters f and s, i think it stands for fast and slow
can it be that simple ?
or probably its something with the belts?
help needed thanx


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It might be that simple. :yes: However, tight belts will cause the motor to spin slowly. Then when those tight belts begin to loosen, the motor will spin closer to its normal speed.

I would put new belts (correct size) on both decks and then do any needed adjustments. :yes:


Member (SA)
thanx a lot :-)
but i need some more information ;-)
how can i measure the belt ? cut it or expand it ? take the size ? take the half size ?
sorry im confused
the question is how can i change the belt :huh: without making damage
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