Sweet...homebuilt megablaster project

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Member (SA)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:






Staff member
Blu -- where's the custom cabinet I ordered? :huh: :hmmm: :-D :lol:

As for the batman boombox --
-- 10 for artistry. Results speak for itself.
-- 5 for construction method (sorry, but I'm not into wood devices for portable use)
-- 4 for design foresight. It's basically an external speaker with fancy looks and pretty lights, I think he even said it's mono.
-- 1 for practicality. A mono speaker cabinet, made of wood, banana jacks sticking out the sides, and acrylic glued on panels for a portable device, with no built in sound source.
-- 10 for attention grabbing. No doubt, passerbys will do a double take on this one.


Member (SA)
sweet i'm planing to build a custom boombox , little different approach I want to have everything in it. 7" screen harddrive wifi but I wanted too let you know that yours was awesome.


Member (SA)
flaboy said:
sweet i'm planing to build a custom boombox , little different approach I want to have everything in it. 7" screen harddrive wifi but I wanted too let you know that yours was awesome.

Not mine. Just posting the link I stumbled across. Gotta say I seriously dig the Knight Rider LED scanner - flaboy, you should put one of those in your creation. :yes:
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