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Member (SA)

Has anyone heard of this or even tried it out? Maybe this could be useful for fixing broken parts inside a box or broken antenna clips.
I ordered the black/white pack today and it should arrive within the next few days. I'll try to form antenna clips and fix the broken button of my Adyson Genf Jumbo.


Member (SA)
Interesting. might have use for it
but a bit pricey.
also found this---

Note: Sugru has a limited shelf-life (at least 6 months). Each pack is marked with a sell-by and use-by date. Keep this in mind when ordering. If you don't have a project in mind, you might not want it sitting around unused for too long. If you receive an expired packet, mourn for it, then contact Tech Support and we'll get a new one out to you.


Member (SA)
Only means it should be used within six months, or twelve if you keep the packs in the fridge. Once used it lasts.
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