As I'm not going to find a replacement any time soon, I thought I'd have a go at fixing up the one I've got.
I'm talking about the TRC-975 second deck door which some feline has attempted to open the hard way.
As you can see theres a good amount scratch marks on the clear part, these are what I want to try and remove.
I was going to attempt with wet and dry sand paper, followed by brasso. I'll mask of the printed area, as I can restore them
easily enough with paint.
But I thought and ask what methods you guys have used that have worked on clear plastic.
Thanks brothers!
Rock On.
I'm talking about the TRC-975 second deck door which some feline has attempted to open the hard way.
As you can see theres a good amount scratch marks on the clear part, these are what I want to try and remove.
I was going to attempt with wet and dry sand paper, followed by brasso. I'll mask of the printed area, as I can restore them
easily enough with paint.
But I thought and ask what methods you guys have used that have worked on clear plastic.
Thanks brothers!
Rock On.