stupid dumb kid !

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Staff member
The first kid is a loser...just like the Cincinnati Bengals...the irony... :-/ :thumbsdown:

In the second vid...if that's all these kids have for entertainment...well... :thumbsdown: :-/ :thumbsdown:


Member (SA)
:hmmm: those kids are really empty boxes -_- , First of all I think it's not so weird to destroy stuff for pleasure when you're young (i did the same with some of my little cars, making crash test or stuff like this) but the weird part here is to record it and show it to the rest of the world °-° those kind of videos always remind me the movie "Idiocracy" ...


Member (SA)
I sense great darkness in these children. So much senseless destruction.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


Member (SA)
I can't see the youtube clips (I'm at work) but it sounds like I wouldn't want to.
Hey, don't get too upset about this stuff.
Kids do *really* dumb things (I know I did), not because they're evil or anything like that, but because they truly are not thinking, in the way only a young person can manage.
Round our way (which granted, isn't a rough area) you might see kids acting up or doing something anti-social. If you call them on it, it's like they're snapping out of a trance & they say 'oh, sorry' or similar. Pure & simple: not a thought in their heads...
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