Strange scores

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Member (SA)
I found one in my own attic, it used to be my wifes and i forgot all about it :-D



Well-Known Member
Staff member
In the bed of pick-up truck. :-)

Oh, wait... we're talking boomboxes, right? :huh: :blush:


I Am Legend
way back in the 60s ... and
way down in montevideo
and way back in the back of the strip club
there was this exotic dancer gal --

" the black pearl of brazil " :drool:

well --its been awhile --
i forget the details --but it was a definite SCORE
:w00t: :yes: :w00t: :w00t:

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
My sweetest score was a 238 at Crooks Bowling in Rugby (ND) back in '85.

But, if we're only talking boomboxes, I'd say my sweetest score was a Sears 21372 I spotted tucked inside a supply closet in our church when a bunch of us were doing some spring cleaning several years ago. The generous pastor said they hadn't used it in years and I could keep it. Hellelujah!
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