Straightening Bent Handle

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Lasonic TRC-920

So, from years of sitting with the handles in the down position, all my big Lasonic's have a bent handle. So I am trying something to try to straighten them.

I took the handle off and put it on the floor of my garage in the sun with a small vise to weigh it down. Hopefull it will warm up and take the bow out of it.


I will let you know if that works.

I also took Hemiguys idea on how to fix the creaky handles and put a little padding in the hinge and it works great. It's smooth and doesn't SLAM down and it stopped the creaking! Did it to the 975 and the 935, just the 951 left!

Thanks for the heads up Frank!


OK, Update....needed more weight....still not straightening!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hahahaha chris u r funny! You need to overbend the handle because the plastic has a bit of memory, so simply laying flat will not get the job done.


I Am Legend
i made a thread on the perfect way to straighten out plastic handles =
go find it

has to do with a hardwood form --
bang it into the form --then microwave it for 45 seconds --
or longer if it didnt catch -

then soak it all with water while its in the form -
let it stay overnite

Lasonic TRC-920

All Great idea's. Once it was warm, I put in on the dryer top with the anvil on it, it over bent it just a little. It's much straighter, but could use just a little more. I did think of using a heat gun, we a little nervous of F'n it up!

A wood form is a real good idea. I will look for that thread!


Member (SA)
Heat gun works wonders. Just don't hold it one spot too long.
BTW you could thank Brooklyn Jimmy for the handle idea!
I just passed the info on.

Lasonic TRC-920

hemiguy2006 said:
Heat gun works wonders. Just don't hold it one spot too long.
BTW you could thank Brooklyn Jimmy for the handle idea!
I just passed the info on.

BTW, The handle did come out two more to go.
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