Hey guys hope everyone is well. Slim pickings in thrift stores these days . Yesterday after almost a year without seeing a decent box I scored a near mint fh7 mk2 for 7 dollars . I was pretty chuffed . I was really shocked the tape deck still works . I gave away almost fifty boomboxes over the last few years . Not all of them were low end ones either .
Blasters under 20 bucks are almost never seen up here now . Well blasters up here are hardly seen at all these days . I still got a nice collection but photography is my passion these days . I'm still doing music and working with s8me great young artists. Hope you are well
Blasters under 20 bucks are almost never seen up here now . Well blasters up here are hardly seen at all these days . I still got a nice collection but photography is my passion these days . I'm still doing music and working with s8me great young artists. Hope you are well