still kicking and still hunting

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Member (SA)
Hey guys hope everyone is well. Slim pickings in thrift stores these days . Yesterday after almost a year without seeing a decent box I scored a near mint fh7 mk2 for 7 dollars . I was pretty chuffed . I was really shocked the tape deck still works . I gave away almost fifty boomboxes over the last few years . Not all of them were low end ones either .
Blasters under 20 bucks are almost never seen up here now . Well blasters up here are hardly seen at all these days . I still got a nice collection but photography is my passion these days . I'm still doing music and working with s8me great young artists. Hope you are well


Member (SA)
I've chased my dreams and paid the price of admission but, it's not the things that you tried to do that you regret it's the things you never tried but wanted to


Member (SA)
Hisrudeness said:
Welcome back.
Looking at some of your pictures on FB. Love the warbirds ones. B-17 looks great!
Thanks man. If you want to see more pics just Google @billhansen should take you to my picsart page . There you will thousands of pics
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