Stay Golden JVC M71 Restoration

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fresh produce

Member (SA)
What up everyone!

So I've been on a mission to find a jvc m71 for a few years now, I finally got lucky a few weeks ago and found a fixer upper for a really good price. :bow::angelic:

Here's some pictures of what I found, this box does need some work and it's missing a few parts but I think I can get it back to its golden glory. I haven't tried restoring a box in years so I'm pretty excited on this one :hooray:


It's missing :-O the cassette door, both antennas, battery door, speaker grills, speaker trim and the trim on top. I found most of the parts just waiting from them to arrive in the mail.

Once everything arrives I'll post up an update :thumbsup:

Stay tuned

fresh produce

Member (SA)
What's up everyone so I ended up finding :thumbsup: the cassette door, speaker grills and speaker trim parts for my m71 but they're from a m70 so they're silver/chrome. :hmmm: I was thinking of trying Montana Gold spray paint but it looks way to shiny compared to the original trim does anyone have any recommendations on which type of gold paint to use :hmmm:


fresh produce

Member (SA)
Alright little update so I recently got a a new rear case for my m71 because my old one had the antenna clips, post and mounts broken off, with this new one I'm adding a little bit of epoxy to make them a little bit strong


I've also been working on my cassette door sanding down the silver to get it ready for the new gold color



fresh produce

Member (SA)
Alright so I finally got the top trim from a victor m70, does anyone have a pdf or some printed out lettering decals they would like to sell? I'm thinking I'm going to just repaint the whole box :hmmm:


fresh produce

Member (SA)
Alright so I tried to match the original trim the best I could with a vintage pale gold and it was still too gold even after I matted the color down a bit :-/, I also tried to color match the original paint( I just painted the handle for now) but I'm not sure if it's me or the box :hmmm:but this box doesn't really look gold it more like a silver with a hint of gold :blink::hmmm:

So this is how my JVC M71 looks so for 20211231_152202.jpg

I'm not sure how I'm feeling with the finished project but one thing is for sure it looks way better then before :hooray:, if I can figure out how to get the letting printed or screen, I'll be re-doing the whole box again :thumbsup:..........:lol: I still need a battery cover if anyone has one :bow:


Member (SA)
I reopen the thema
I'm looking to paint my RC-M70.
completely, the 4 sides and the top panel.
thanks to blu_fuz!
i can have a reproduction of the whole top panel serigraphy.
i have 4: rc-m70 to paint!
and, i would like to know which one it is ?
the best way,
to print on the original plastic ?
screen printing or decals
( polished plastic )
thank you
Best regards
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