Spraying bedliner to eliminate vibrations?

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Boomus Fidelis
I have a few boxes that squeak everywhere.....like my Sankei. The plastic is just brittle, and doesn't have any cross-bracing. So not only does it sound cheap when you touch it, it also adds unwanted resonance to the music.

Has anyone ever sprayed some type of bedliner on the inside of their boxes? Or stuff like Boom Mat that's made to spray inside speaker boxes?


Staff member
Reli said:
I have a few boxes that squeak everywhere.....like my Sankei. The plastic is just brittle, and doesn't have any cross-bracing. So not only does it sound cheap when you touch it, it also adds unwanted resonance to the music.

Has anyone ever sprayed some type of bedliner on the inside of their boxes? Or stuff that's made for speaker boxes? Stuff like Boom Mat?
I don't know if bedliner coating is what you'd want to use due to it's density. You may be able to try some Plasti-Dip (can form) as you can lay it in thin enough to not add excess weight or gum up vents. It does a nice job dampening.

Also get some paper thin felt or stocking fabric and adhere it to case seams where they join together.

And as long as you have it open, do your best to tie off all cables and where they touch the case, place a piece of thin damping material such as foam or rubber.

Those measures along with making sure you have no loose buttons, etc., should shut rattles up. :yes:


Member (SA)
I've used Dynamat Ultralight in a few boomboxes that had vibration issues and it worked exceedingly well.

I didn't need to cover the entire inside of the case, just the large expanses. I did one of my 777s, JC-2000 and J7 from memory, definitely improved the sound quality too. Trouble is the stuff is dear as poison, but using just the normal sound deadening stuff, or regular Dynamat will probably be too heavy for a boombox. Even the Ultralight gear added a little weight, but I guess it all depends whether you plan on carrying the radio a lot or not.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
Gluecifer said:
I've used Dynamat Ultralight in a few boomboxes that had vibration issues and it worked exceedingly well.

I didn't need to cover the entire inside of the case, just the large expanses. I did one of my 777s, JC-2000 and J7 from memory, definitely improved the sound quality too. Trouble is the stuff is dear as poison, but using just the normal sound deadening stuff, or regular Dynamat will probably be too heavy for a boombox. Even the Ultralight gear added a little weight, but I guess it all depends whether you plan on carrying the radio a lot or not.

Rock On.
I agree with Gluecifer.


It easy to peel and stick those to the walls.

Think rubber pads with adhesive backup should also work fine.


Staff member
BoomboxLover48 said:
I agree with Glue as well... however, most of the large expanses on these boxes are vents. This is why Plasti-Dip works so well for the whole interior because it can go in thin and achieve what you want. There is also the battery door to contend with, as well as the handle and case edges. On the Sankei's like yours and similar others, it takes a whole "holistic" approach to silence buzzes and rattles. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
Some good info in this thread! Here's the box in question. Cool box with 6 speakers, but it's empty as hell! Tap the case anywhere, and it sounds like a snare drum. :lol:

I am looking for something that would "weight" the case and make it feel more solid. Dynamat is good for that I guess, but if the panel isn't smooth & flat it's more difficult to apply. That's why I was thinking of bedliner because it would coat everything, even the nooks & crannies. Someone mentioned Plastidip, I thought that stuff was just cosmetic, and doesn't add any weight?

Reli's Sankei TCR-S97.jpg



Boomus Fidelis
Plastidip is okay! But I have no idea if that would peel off from an old plastic types used for boomboxes.

This is what I would do:

Get some wide Velcro pads and stick it all over those places without vents. It is pretty cheap and one can remove it if he wants. I will only go for an option that is reversible. You can stick the male ones on top of it and beef it up! Leave the adhesive top wax peel off layer of the make or female there. You can always add more if you want.

Velcro also has the option for adding more weight like a 4 mm thick cardboard piece or a plastic piece.



Staff member
This thread has piqued my interest. I just picked a Kingspoint PS-450 (AKA) of your Sankei from a thrifty. :cool:


Member (SA)
Tho I haven't done one of these, I am sort of with you on the bed liner or maybe undercoater. Mass is you best friend for dampening. We did a dampening panel in my bud's shop wall (steel bldg) with under-coating to buffer the noise from his 20 gal shop compressor on and it made a significant difference. Took the rattle off right quick!

I would mask off all connecting points and run strips of tape on the vents, but just the slots for a heavy coat., then remove for a light spritz..

My $0.02

Also, BoomboxLover48 has a good point whether adhesion will be succesful on old plastic for the Plasti-dip as I am sure many of you have found out on re-paints. Some may some may not, and the Spray on is easy.

Got some beaters to try out test on?


Boomus Fidelis
oldskool69 said:
This thread has piqued my interest. I just picked a Kingspoint PS-450 (AKA) of your Sankei from a thrifty. :cool:

Nice! Same box, but looks like it has a graphic EQ instead of bass and treble knobs.

They're loud & brassy.......I'm thinking that sealing off the rear vents and maybe even filling it with fiber matting would improve the bass. So perhaps do the Plastidip or Boom Mat spray, and then glue on a sheet of felt to seal the vents.


Member (SA)
I've got a 100 sq feet of Rattle Trap super matt & it works wonders too, easy to cut with a utility knife & easy to apply & works amazingly well to dampen panels but a bit heavy since it is dense stuff. has to be to do its job.....same idea as dyna-mat or dead-mat, etc.

After working on all these high density, chassis style boxes, working on one of those Sankei would be a refreshing change. It does look like it would have good bass with the big drivers. Some deadening should really make that box a winner.

James.... :-)


Boomus Fidelis
I found out the reason why this box squeaks so much.......Not only do the back and sides have way too many vents, but there's no internal "chassis" like most boxes have. The circuit boards are just slotted into grooves. PLUS the front panel is divided up into 3-4 floating sub-sections to allow different companies to swap the trim to make different-looking AKA's. This box has more AKA's than ANY other box. Kings Point, Brandt, Blue Star, Toshiba, Sencor, Palladium, Saturn, Ken-Tech, Kamosonic, Tecsonic, and a few others put their names on this box and just changed the styling.

Lasonic TRC-920

These are great threads, figuring out a problem so many radio's have.

In regards to the PC Boards not being tightly mounted. I have used both high density weather stripping foam tape as well as hot glue gunned in felt in the slots where the boards go. This makes a HUGE difference in eliminating squeaks and rattles. Same can be done for the handle. When a weakly built chassis twists and torques those boards inside rub and squeak and :bang: :annoyed: I CAN'T TAKE IT!

I would do some test spraying of that bed liner stuff. It goes on REALLY thick and it's never coming off. EVER!

IMO, I think it will end up heavy and if you end up with it in a spot you didn't want it, TO BAD!

Not sure what would happen if you closed up the box completely. Seems like they left it open to breath to keep the electronics cool. BUT, maybe they didn't know what they hell they were doing back them, so it won't matter.

I'd be interested in seeing a thread showing what you end up doing :yes:


Member (SA)
Deadmat will solve ALL of these issues & is removable too if you know what you are doing..... a pair of small needle-nose & a good arm can pry up the sheets if you want to backtrack for any reason, not messy, easy to apply, works super good if not better...


Boomus Fidelis
Does any of that Deadmat/Dynamat come in basic black instead of silver? So that you wouldn't see it thru the vents.

Oh and Chris, I know you have the exact same radio, one of those Sankei TCR-S90 I think....or Kamsonic, Techsonic whatever......Dual-deck, slats over the tweeters.......they're all the same inside.


Member (SA)
Don't think so.

Just spray paint the sheets matt black before you put them in. Or cover them in black self adhesive vinyl, which would then add some more to the deadening I'd expect.

Rock On.

Lasonic TRC-920

Reli said:
Does any of that Deadmat/Dynamat come in basic black instead of silver? So that you wouldn't see it thru the vents.

Oh and Chris, I know you have the exact same radio, one of those Sankei TCR-S90 I think....or Kamsonic, Techsonic whatever......Dual-deck, slats over the tweeters.......they're all the same inside.
Are you talking the Toshiba BomBeat RT-S84?

I didn't have rattle issues with that box. I also don;t remember what the inside looks like :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the idea of being able to reverse the process if you don;t like it for some reason. Can't do that with a spray on.


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Are you talking the Toshiba BomBeat RT-S84?

I didn't have rattle issues with that box. I also don;t remember what the inside looks like :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the idea of being able to reverse the process if you don;t like it for some reason. Can't do that with a spray on.

Yes, it's the same box mechanically.

Oh I found another reason for the noise......The battery door sucks, it's loose as hell. Easy fix there.

Anyways, I think I'll try the Dynamat route, I'm nervous about permanent odors from bedliner.
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