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Member (SA)
well im portuguese, and thats what they talk,

shes talking pretty dirty LOL

but thats how funk goes...

i got a friend who only booms favela funk in his car...

pretty loud.

neighbours think. ' those guys sell drugs '



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow! She has a nice looking box.

And she has a nice looking GF-8989 II. :-D

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
I played it 5 times in a row.
Love the tune
I wanted to jump through the video and hang out with them and blast our boomboxes on the corner.
Hey Eldorado, what is she singing??

Cheers OSS :afro:


No Longer Active
Fatdog said:
Wow! She has a nice looking box.

And she has a nice looking GF-8989 II. :-D

:lol: That was a good one, Fatdog. :-D

Master Z said:
That little cutie makes the 8989 look big.
Hey mono, how did u dig up that vid?

Yeah, I've never seen one in person, but those Sharps have gotta be on the small side... Imagine if she had a Conion! :-O

Somebody from a Japanese music forum posted it the "worldwide discussion thread".


Member (SA)
I dont know what the heck she is saying But thats one great video!!!!
And the Eurythmics remixed back beat is off the hook.
She really must be tiny because she makes that little Sharp 8989 look enormous.
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