Speaker upgrades

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Member (SA)
Just thought I would show the new speakers. Do miss the chrome. I need to upgrade the amp and add Bluetooth.
Why do all my picture come out upside down ?


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If you are using an iPhone to take pictures...

Why are my iPhone photos upside down?

Some iPhone owners may have noticed that photos taken with the Apple iOS device and stored to the camera roll appear rotated when viewed on a Windows computer. The photos appear fine on the iPhone, however after being transferred to Windows they are upside down, or turned sideways.

It appears that something in the photo metadata is being written to tell Windows the photo is oriented in one direction. Now that iOS 5 allows users to snap photos with the volume buttons, many people hold the iPhone with the volume buttons up so they act as a shutter release.

Unfortunately, this is the direction in which the iPhone takes upside down photos. To solve the problem, the iPhone must be turned with the volume buttons facing down. Until Apple comes up with a fix, Windows users will have to adjust their photo rotation after the fact or keep the iPhone in this position. Turning rotation lock on or off does not fix the problem.


Member (SA)
Thanks for the info. Photos taken on a Samsung. I will just have to turn them around before I post.


Member (SA)
You could also try rotating the image in the phone's editor right after you take it, I can do that on my Galaxy


Member (SA)
Fatdog is correct. Both types of phones have this. I have found that the samsung phones need to have the shutter button on the right to take photos that are not upside down. As before, the only way to know for sure is to transfer to computer then use rotation to fix if needed prior to uploading
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