We are' guys from USSR usually don't like our bommoxes. Japanese more advanced and more better. In our folk, all our russian cassette players and bomboxes - very hungry cassette eater. Also, just in case in "ИЖ" оr in English spelling "IJ" this boombox - it is not usually product. Mainly from "IJ" factory the best rifle, famous in US automatic machine gun "Kalashnikov", any weapon, motorcycles, cars and many many different staff for soviet and now, Russian Army.
In my opinion from russian boomboxes more intersecting the brand VEF from Riga and VEGA "ВЕГА" from Berdsk. Sometimes inside has mechanical parts made in Japan. Soviet users always prefer Japanese boomboxes. But in soviet time impossible to by something away from USSR. All borders was locked down. And 99,90% has some boomboxes, radio and any audiosystem just made in USSR. Sharp, Sanyo and any was very expensive and in 80-x some people with big pleasure pay twice and much more for buy any japanese devices by foreign students from Africa and Middle East. For example for sharp GF777 in USSR time some russians have a change to car or ... apartments. Funny and interesting time, because we don't have many bullshit from foreign world and mainly everything made in our country from nuclear rocket system till tea pod and soap. Nothing made in China, US or Germany.
This boombox from picture just interesting like unknown foreign design. No radio. Of course, true Kalashnikov ghettoblaster

Good condition and historical memory about nice time of Cold War with balance in the world.
Can check brand VEF and VEGA "ВЕГА" boomboxes! Or early ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА (Electronica) big cassette players. Most interesting like a huge big boxes АРГО (Арго) & БЕРЕСТЬЕ (Berestie). Much beautiful and useful.
Regards from Belarus.